Engaging Griffin

Opportunities to Count the Cost

Church Family,

I am thankful for the visit and challenge Al Jackson brought our church from Luke 9 on Sunday. There is a high cost of following Jesus. We must be willing to surrender our comfortable lifestyles and personal plans and follow faithfully to the finish. The price is significant but worth it! This kind of joyful commitment is what it will take for Crestview to replicate disciples from Griffin to the ends of the earth. There are two tangible opportunities to count the cost this weekend.



Brother Al diagnosed the uncomfortable reality that believers often hoard the Lord's resources by refusing to release what God has given to us to fund His mission. We spend on our comforts and pleasures rather than investing in God's kingdom and reaching the world with the gospel.

Crestview’s North American Missions Offering Goal is $7,000—approximately $40 per member. Prayerfully consider how you can honor the Lord, follow the Spirit's leadership, and give this Sunday generously to support our church planting missionaries throughout North America.



A second way to count the cost is by setting aside this Saturday from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM to engage neighbors with the gospel. There are two kinds of people around you who are far from God and need Jesus—1) those you know and 2) those you don't know. We have learned to pray and engage those we know with the gospel using an Oikos Map. So, what about those we don't know?


Engaging Neighbors on the second Saturday of the month is one way we are working together as a church to engage those we do not know. Simply meet in the fellowship hall at 11:00 AM for training and prayer. We will then go out in pairs to visit neighbors near the church campus. We will courteously engage them, searching for those the Lord has given a willingness to hear the 3-Circles gospel presentation. After an hour, we will return to the church campus and share the results. We will finish by 12:30 PM. Through this effort, we hope to 1) Start evangelistic studies of the Gospel of Mark, 2) Start Foundations for Disciples with those who profess faith, and 3) Invite neighbors to our Sunday service.


Is there anything hindering you from making this part of your schedule this Saturday? I pray that we will see many Crestview members on Saturday morning willing to count the cost and engage our neighbors. In the event of inclement weather, we will pivot and go to local indoor establishments, like restaurants or coffee shops, to strike up gospel conversations.



 This is our second month of this new training breakfast for current and future leaders. See the announcement below for more information and a link to the reading plan, discussion questions, and future schedule. A continental breakfast and coffee will be served.



 See the announcements below for information on our joint Good Friday service with The Pinecrest Church in Fayetteville and our Resurrection Sunday plans.


 For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Under the Big Top - One Assembly

…When you come together as a church…1 Corinthians 11:18


Over the past year we have been unable to meet as one assembly.  We do not have a room on campus that will accommodate a full gathering of our church while following COVID protocols. As a temporary accommodation we have been utilizing the fellowship hall as overflow space and many have watched the live stream from home. This Sunday we return to one gathering!

Everyone will join as one body -  singing together, praying together, hearing the Word together, eating Lord’s Supper together – as we should be. The next 4 weeks a large tent will be set up in the parking lot and there will be more than enough room for all members and guests. We are using this as a season of outreach for us too!  There is plenty of room to invite your ONES, friends, and family to hear the gospel!

We will have plenty of metal chairs, but you are encouraged to bring your own camping chairs if you prefer. The outside temperature could be on the cool side, so please dress accordingly – jackets, hats, and blankets as needed. So long as the weather is dry, we plan to be outdoors.

I want to encourage every able-bodied Crestview member to be present.  If you are ill or unable to attend, we understand and be assured we will live stream these services as normal.  Though we are outdoors,  6-foot spacing between family seating needs to continue to be followed. Toddler and Preschool nurseries will be open.

Pray for the “What is the Good News?” outreach, invite your friends, and I’ll see you this Sunday!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Ministry Opportunities Abound

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12


There are several opportunities on the horizon for you to “get your hands dirty” doing good: 


We are beginning a 4-week gospel outreach on Sunday, March 21. Weather permitting, we will meet outdoors on the Crestview campus as one assembly. A large “revival” tent will be set up. There will be plenty of space for all the seating we could need.  Not only should you attend, but this is a prime evangelism opportunity for you to bring guests. Invite you ONE as well as unbelieving coworkers, classmates, family, friends, and neighbors.  Not only will meeting outdoors allow our entire church to meet together but perhaps it will also allow some to attend who are otherwise hesitant to meet indoors. We plan to live-stream these services for those who are unable to attend in person. In case of inclement weather we will move indoors. 

Pulling off these outdoor services each week will bring with it a host of new ways to help. We will need joyful, servant-minded members to arrive early and stay late to help with set-up, hospitality, follow-up. 

Please be praying for the lost to be saved and for the church to be strengthened!


Do you have a heart for reaching the nations with the gospel? An opportunity on the horizon is serving with our International Mission Ministry Team. This team is being newly organized and will meet Wednesday night at 8:00PM (March 10) in the worship center and via zoom. The role of this team is to provide ongoing support to the elders to help the church remain faithful in the Great Commission mandate of making disciples among all nations. If you would like to learn more, plan to join us on Wednesday night.  To request zoom info email me: thomas@crestviewbaptist.org


Do you have a heart for helping those in need? We want to expand our ministry to be an avenue for evangelism and discipling while helping people learn how to meet their basic needs. We would like to train 8-10 members in how to conduct initial interviews and life coaching. Monday night at 8:00PM (March 12) we will have 1-hour zoom training for all who would like to learn more. To request zoom info email me: thomas@crestviewbaptist.org


This Sunday we will be reopening the toddler and preschool nurseries for families who would like to utilize them. We do not anticipate the need for an infant nursery at this time. Thank you to all our wonderful nursery servants who will be serving these families – you are a blessing!

Finally, the tentative plan is to restarting equipping courses and other group ministries in mid-April following on the heels of the outdoor services. Look for more information as the date approaches.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Serving & Inviting Your One

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

We have spent the past 30 days praying for our ONES (people around us who are not believers). During March I am challenging you to take two more steps: SERVING & INVITING YOUR ONE


 Once you’ve identified your ONE, let them know you care through acts of service:

  • Take them out for a cup of coffee.

  • Write a note of encouragement.

  • Hand out notes of encouragement to those who serve you at grocery stores, restaurants, letting them know they are prayed for and loved by Jesus.

  • Send a text asking how you can pray for them.

  • Drop off a gift card for your ONE at their door and leave them a hand-written note explaining why you did it.

  • Type up a note saying you’re offering to help your neighbors in any way they need. Leave it on neighbors’ mailboxes or on their doors. Offer to do yard work, run errands, etc. Ask for prayer requests. Put contact information on the note.

  • Take cookies or another goodie to your neighbor and take time to get to know them.

Any time the Lord puts your ONE on your mind, take the time to pray for them, then send them a text or them to let them know you have been praying for them and ask how they are doing.


Invite your ONE to hear the gospel proclaimed and talk with them afterwards about it. We are planning four Sundays with this in mind.  Sunday, March 21 will begin a new sermon series titled, “What is the Good News?”  Each Sunday the gospel will be clearly explained as we study evangelistic sermons preached by the apostles in the book of Acts:

  • March 21: Who is the Lord? Acts 2:14-41

  • March 28: History Repeated? Acts 3:11-4:12

  • April 4: Are You Persuaded? Acts 26:4-29

  • April 11: Is Religion Enough? Acts 17:22-34

Even If your ONE cannot attend in person, share the live stream video link and then follow up with them afterwards.

May the Lord build his church!

For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas

God the Son Incarnate

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


These last two Sundays we have considered the monumental significance of the life of Jesus.  In what is the doctrinal summit of 1 Timothy, Paul pens a 6-line hymn.  Using only 26 words he profoundly summarizes the significance of the incarnation of God the Son: “He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory” (1 Tim. 3:16).  These words are worth our lingering reflection. As we celebrate Christmas this week, I pray we will freshly treasure Jesus the Savior.


Thursday evening at 5:00 PM we will be the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. You may join us in-person or watch via the live stream.  The family-friendly service will be about 45 minutes long.


This past Sunday was the second week of our outreach.  Many heard the message of Hope Received! Over 9,000 viewed the promo this past week on social media. The Hope page on the website had 70 additional visits this week – so almost 400 over three weeks. Sunday had 3 first-time guests and several others returned for a second time. Streaming views also remained high again this week. 

If you invited someone to visit or watch the service, this week is the time to follow up with them. Did they watch?  What are their thoughts?  Is Jesus their hope? For any who missed the live events, the Hope page of the website is going to remain active for the next couple of weeks and has the recordings of each of the Sunday services.


It is not too late to participate in the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. We have given just over $3,000 to date.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Update: A Message of Hope for our Neighbors

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Please continue praying for neighbors and friends who are hearing the message of hope through Jesus Christ!  We are seeing responses to our invitations in several ways. Over 3,600 viewed our promo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 115 people clicked the promo to visit the Hope web page.  This page has had 300 visits over the last two weeks. We do not have statistics on The Story short film but can reasonably estimate 50-100 views.

Many heard the message of HOPE REVEALED this past Sunday! Though attendance Sunday was lower than past weeks (83 in-person), we had 9 first-time guests! We saw streaming views go up almost 100%. 37 devices viewed the service live (our normal average is 20). The service has been viewed a total of 63 times on YouTube.  Additionally, just this morning, we had a neighbor from Spring Valley Circle come to the church office inquiring about our ministry. He said he had received an invitation on his door last Saturday!

That is all wonderful and we are not done!  This Sunday the focus is HOPE RECEIVED. Continue inviting and sharing the gospel with friends, family, and neighbors this week. Have you invited your One to join us Sunday or watch the live stream?  A new social media promo campaign will begin this Thursday.  Please like and share these posts when you see them. The reach and influence of our church is exponential when we leverage our social media platforms for the spread of the gospel!  Finally, continue praying that the Lord to use our efforts and for the lives of many to be transformed by the gospel of grace.  


This Sunday plan to bring your gifts for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Think of this as a special Christmas gift bringing the greatest news to those around the world who have yet to hear, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Give in-person, on-line, or by mail.  Our church goal is $10,000.  What will the Lord do among us?


We are in time of year when annual sickness is typically on the rise.  Add to it this year an increasing number of COVID cases in our area, and we have the need to be extra vigilant. Thank you to all who have erred on the safe side and remained home when you were unsure about your health. Remember, if you are feeling ill, for any reason, please stay home as a way of caring for one another. When you are well, then we are happy to worship with you!  When on campus please follow our GATHERING GUIDELINES. These guidelines have been serving us well and we need everyone’s participation.    

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Reaching Far and Near

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:19


We have just finished a week of prayer for international missions.  You have been praying for the spread of the gospel to people groups across the planet. As you have prayed, I trust the Lord has freshly reminded you of the joyful responsibility to support our missionaries who are serving around the world. During the Christmas season each year our church, along with thousands more, receives a special offering – the Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions.  100% of this offering goes to support international gospel work in some of the hardest, darkest, least reached places in the world.

This year I have set Crestview’s giving target at $10,000. This is ambitious – but it reflects the priority of the task of reaching the world. In my time here, we have never given this much to this offering.  In 2019 we gave $6,200. In 2018 we gave $5,700. The previous years the offering was around $3,000 annually. The Lord has blessed our church and our members in MANY ways this year. On Sunday, December 20, bring your gifts or give on-online, and let’s see what God does.

Crestview has 170 members, representing 85 family units. If each family were to give $125 we would exceed the $10,000 goal.  Each family is different, and we are not called to equal giving.  We are, though, called to proportional giving.  Give as the Lord inspires and enables you.  The resources are in our bank accounts. Will we joyfully release them back to the Lord for kingdom use?

Someone has said, “The light that burns farthest burns brightest at home.” This is true – especially as it reflects the great commission heart of a church.  The more prayerful, generous, and faithful we are to the instruction of Jesus to make disciples of all nations, the stronger our walk and witness will be for Christ here at home.


Our effort to share the gospel in our city is in high swing!  Saturday we handed out 300 invitations in the Beatty Hills neighborhood. Sunday you took home with you invitations for your neighbors and friends. Have you passed them out yet?  The social media promotion is underway on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Thousands in a 5 mile radius of our church campus will see information about A Message of Hope.  Please spread the word by sharing on your social media accounts as well.

What should you be doing this week? 

  • Praying:  Pray for many to hear the gospel and come to saving faith. Pray the gospel to be clearly presented. Pray for us all to be faithful, courageous, and bold to invite.

  • Inviting: Invite friends and family who do not know Christ to come with you to gathered worship these next two Sundays.

  • Sharing: Make sharing the gospel with your One a priority in these upcoming days. Share and repost social media links and email announcements. 

  • Showing Up: Come prepared to glorify the Lord together! A Spirit-filled church is a powerful testimony to the truth of the gospel. Make attendance these next two Sundays a priority for you and your family. Be prepared to serve the church – whatever may be needed.  We expect to need to maximize fellowship hall seating.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas


Abounding in Thanksgiving

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6


Of all people in the world, those who are in Christ have the most reasons to abound with thanksgiving. Humility should distinguish us because we appreciate the depth of our sin and depravity. Apart from the grace and mercy of the Lord, we would be without faith, lost, and separated from God. Were it not for the life, death, resurrection, and reign of Jesus, we would have no hope of justification on the great and final day of judgment! Had the Lord not mercifully chosen, called, and granted us pardon based on the atoning work of the Son, we would be hopeless. Yet, grace abounds! So too, may our thanksgiving abound!


Please begin praying for a gospel outreach we will be making as a church family in the upcoming weeks. Our elders and Engage Griffin mission team have designed a way for every Crestview member to spread the gospel to our friends, family, and "ones" during December. This strategy will have several synergistic prongs of involvement:

  • Gathered worship December 13 & 20. These two services are the focal point. They will feature the proclamation of the gospel from 1 Timothy 3:16 with two sermons, “Hope Revealed” and “Hope Received”. These are Sundays for every member to make a special effort to bring non-believing friends and family to these in-person services. These will be excellent times to invite your "one" to join us.

  • Live-streaming on December 13 & 20. For those unable to attend in person due to COVID, we will feature the opportunity for those outside our church to watch these services from home. If your "one" lives in another location, you can invite them to watch and then follow up with them afterwards.

  • Website: We will soon drop a new feature onto the Crestview website called: A Message of Hope for our Neighbors. On this page will feature several short videos explaining the gospel and highlight how to watch the Sunday services.

  • Social media: In December we will promote on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We encourage everyone to share and re-post these messages to your friends on social media. The wide reach of our church family in this way is exponential.

  • Invitation packets: We will be preparing invitation packets for you to deliver to your friends and neighbors inviting them to attend in person or watch from home. On Saturday, December 5, at 11 AM you are invited to pray together and then go out distributing invitations around our church campus. On Sunday, December 6 invitation packets will be available for all members to take to deliver to neighbors, coworkers, and friends.

We can leverage our digital tools to make initial contact and share the gospel through screens across our community and world. While we know this is not a substitute for the assembling of the church, we hope this is a way we can reach those who would otherwise not attend one of these gatherings. Please begin praying for this outreach and look for ways to personally take advantage of this to share the gospel with others.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas