Reaching Far and Near

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:19


We have just finished a week of prayer for international missions.  You have been praying for the spread of the gospel to people groups across the planet. As you have prayed, I trust the Lord has freshly reminded you of the joyful responsibility to support our missionaries who are serving around the world. During the Christmas season each year our church, along with thousands more, receives a special offering – the Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions.  100% of this offering goes to support international gospel work in some of the hardest, darkest, least reached places in the world.

This year I have set Crestview’s giving target at $10,000. This is ambitious – but it reflects the priority of the task of reaching the world. In my time here, we have never given this much to this offering.  In 2019 we gave $6,200. In 2018 we gave $5,700. The previous years the offering was around $3,000 annually. The Lord has blessed our church and our members in MANY ways this year. On Sunday, December 20, bring your gifts or give on-online, and let’s see what God does.

Crestview has 170 members, representing 85 family units. If each family were to give $125 we would exceed the $10,000 goal.  Each family is different, and we are not called to equal giving.  We are, though, called to proportional giving.  Give as the Lord inspires and enables you.  The resources are in our bank accounts. Will we joyfully release them back to the Lord for kingdom use?

Someone has said, “The light that burns farthest burns brightest at home.” This is true – especially as it reflects the great commission heart of a church.  The more prayerful, generous, and faithful we are to the instruction of Jesus to make disciples of all nations, the stronger our walk and witness will be for Christ here at home.


Our effort to share the gospel in our city is in high swing!  Saturday we handed out 300 invitations in the Beatty Hills neighborhood. Sunday you took home with you invitations for your neighbors and friends. Have you passed them out yet?  The social media promotion is underway on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Thousands in a 5 mile radius of our church campus will see information about A Message of Hope.  Please spread the word by sharing on your social media accounts as well.

What should you be doing this week? 

  • Praying:  Pray for many to hear the gospel and come to saving faith. Pray the gospel to be clearly presented. Pray for us all to be faithful, courageous, and bold to invite.

  • Inviting: Invite friends and family who do not know Christ to come with you to gathered worship these next two Sundays.

  • Sharing: Make sharing the gospel with your One a priority in these upcoming days. Share and repost social media links and email announcements. 

  • Showing Up: Come prepared to glorify the Lord together! A Spirit-filled church is a powerful testimony to the truth of the gospel. Make attendance these next two Sundays a priority for you and your family. Be prepared to serve the church – whatever may be needed.  We expect to need to maximize fellowship hall seating.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas