Update: A Message of Hope for our Neighbors

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Please continue praying for neighbors and friends who are hearing the message of hope through Jesus Christ!  We are seeing responses to our invitations in several ways. Over 3,600 viewed our promo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 115 people clicked the promo to visit the Hope web page.  This page has had 300 visits over the last two weeks. We do not have statistics on The Story short film but can reasonably estimate 50-100 views.

Many heard the message of HOPE REVEALED this past Sunday! Though attendance Sunday was lower than past weeks (83 in-person), we had 9 first-time guests! We saw streaming views go up almost 100%. 37 devices viewed the service live (our normal average is 20). The service has been viewed a total of 63 times on YouTube.  Additionally, just this morning, we had a neighbor from Spring Valley Circle come to the church office inquiring about our ministry. He said he had received an invitation on his door last Saturday!

That is all wonderful and we are not done!  This Sunday the focus is HOPE RECEIVED. Continue inviting and sharing the gospel with friends, family, and neighbors this week. Have you invited your One to join us Sunday or watch the live stream?  A new social media promo campaign will begin this Thursday.  Please like and share these posts when you see them. The reach and influence of our church is exponential when we leverage our social media platforms for the spread of the gospel!  Finally, continue praying that the Lord to use our efforts and for the lives of many to be transformed by the gospel of grace.  


This Sunday plan to bring your gifts for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Think of this as a special Christmas gift bringing the greatest news to those around the world who have yet to hear, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Give in-person, on-line, or by mail.  Our church goal is $10,000.  What will the Lord do among us?


We are in time of year when annual sickness is typically on the rise.  Add to it this year an increasing number of COVID cases in our area, and we have the need to be extra vigilant. Thank you to all who have erred on the safe side and remained home when you were unsure about your health. Remember, if you are feeling ill, for any reason, please stay home as a way of caring for one another. When you are well, then we are happy to worship with you!  When on campus please follow our GATHERING GUIDELINES. These guidelines have been serving us well and we need everyone’s participation.    

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas