Serving & Inviting Your One

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

We have spent the past 30 days praying for our ONES (people around us who are not believers). During March I am challenging you to take two more steps: SERVING & INVITING YOUR ONE


 Once you’ve identified your ONE, let them know you care through acts of service:

  • Take them out for a cup of coffee.

  • Write a note of encouragement.

  • Hand out notes of encouragement to those who serve you at grocery stores, restaurants, letting them know they are prayed for and loved by Jesus.

  • Send a text asking how you can pray for them.

  • Drop off a gift card for your ONE at their door and leave them a hand-written note explaining why you did it.

  • Type up a note saying you’re offering to help your neighbors in any way they need. Leave it on neighbors’ mailboxes or on their doors. Offer to do yard work, run errands, etc. Ask for prayer requests. Put contact information on the note.

  • Take cookies or another goodie to your neighbor and take time to get to know them.

Any time the Lord puts your ONE on your mind, take the time to pray for them, then send them a text or them to let them know you have been praying for them and ask how they are doing.


Invite your ONE to hear the gospel proclaimed and talk with them afterwards about it. We are planning four Sundays with this in mind.  Sunday, March 21 will begin a new sermon series titled, “What is the Good News?”  Each Sunday the gospel will be clearly explained as we study evangelistic sermons preached by the apostles in the book of Acts:

  • March 21: Who is the Lord? Acts 2:14-41

  • March 28: History Repeated? Acts 3:11-4:12

  • April 4: Are You Persuaded? Acts 26:4-29

  • April 11: Is Religion Enough? Acts 17:22-34

Even If your ONE cannot attend in person, share the live stream video link and then follow up with them afterwards.

May the Lord build his church!

For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas