…When you come together as a church…1 Corinthians 11:18
Over the past year we have been unable to meet as one assembly. We do not have a room on campus that will accommodate a full gathering of our church while following COVID protocols. As a temporary accommodation we have been utilizing the fellowship hall as overflow space and many have watched the live stream from home. This Sunday we return to one gathering!
Everyone will join as one body - singing together, praying together, hearing the Word together, eating Lord’s Supper together – as we should be. The next 4 weeks a large tent will be set up in the parking lot and there will be more than enough room for all members and guests. We are using this as a season of outreach for us too! There is plenty of room to invite your ONES, friends, and family to hear the gospel!
We will have plenty of metal chairs, but you are encouraged to bring your own camping chairs if you prefer. The outside temperature could be on the cool side, so please dress accordingly – jackets, hats, and blankets as needed. So long as the weather is dry, we plan to be outdoors.
I want to encourage every able-bodied Crestview member to be present. If you are ill or unable to attend, we understand and be assured we will live stream these services as normal. Though we are outdoors, 6-foot spacing between family seating needs to continue to be followed. Toddler and Preschool nurseries will be open.
Pray for the “What is the Good News?” outreach, invite your friends, and I’ll see you this Sunday!
For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas