Weekly Update Articles

Spring Quarter

Pray for the Lesotho Team

It is so exciting to have teams being sent out every few months to the nations!  Please pray for the team in Lesotho as they leave this Saturday, March 11, and returning March 22 (Doug, Alexis, Shelby, and Clint). Ask the Lord to continue to advance his word in the Senqunyane Valley.

Spring Quarter

What a wonderful start to spring quarter we enjoyed this past Sunday!  As a reminder, here are several opportunities that are available to you: 

New Equipping Courses:

  • Spiritual Disciplines (David Trice & Rocky Stubbs, 2nd Floor Student Room)

  • Sound Doctrine: A Study of Crestview’s Statement of Faith (Cole Barnes & Josh Roberts, 1st Floor Classroom )

  • The Gospel Project: Gospels (Lee Ramseur, Fellowship Hall)

  • Ladies: The Gospel of Mark (Brenda Trice, Fellowship Hall Classroom)

  • Men: The Gospel of John (Alan Hausser, Fellowship Hall Classroom) 


New Sermon Series:

  • Ephesians: Living as Christ’s Church


Engaging Neighbors, Saturday, March 11, 11:00 AM

Join us this Saturday as we resume engaging neighbors with the gospel. Meet in the fellowship hall at 11:00 AM for training. We will finish by 12:30 PM. In the event of inclement weather, we will go to indoor locations. I hope to see you Saturday!

ESL Class begins March 20, 6:30 PM

If you want to befriend international students, consider serving with our new ESL ministry (English as a Second Language). Classes start on Monday, March 20, from 6:30 PM–8:00 PM and continue each month's 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. ESL class will meet in the fellowship hall. This class aims to teach conversational English and improve speaking proficiency. We can use you if you can speak English and be a Christ-like example.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Tricia Hill at triciadhill@gmail.com.

Foster Care Night

On Friday, March 24, from 5:30 PM–9:30 PM, we will provide a parent's night out for local foster families. Our church is coming alongside Families for Families, a local foster care ministry lead by Brian and Ivy Scoggin, to serve fostering parents. We will provide child care at the Crestview campus while parents get a much-needed night out.

You must be certified through Crestview's Ministry Safe program to volunteer for this opportunity. If you still need to be certified, you can start the certification process now and be ready to serve by the 24th.

For more information or to volunteer, text Angela Lawrence at 770-307-8027.


Elder Nominees Question & Answers

Thanks to everyone who too the opportunity to participate in the elder Q&A session this past Sunday. If you missed it, an audio recording is available: Elder Nominee Q&A


Updated Constitution and By-Laws Amendments

Minor adjustments have been made to the proposed Constitution and By-Laws Amendments. The most current proposed amendments are available: HERE

Proposed Updated Financial Policy

The proposed updated policy is available: HERE


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

New Spring Quarter Opportunities

New Spring Quarter Opportunities

This Sunday, March 5, there are several new opportunities the Spring quarter begins:

 New Equipping Courses:

  • Spiritual Disciplines (David Trice & Rocky Stubbs, 2nd Floor Student Room)

  • Sound Doctrine: A Study of Crestview’s Statement of Faith (Cole Barnes & Josh Roberts, 1st Floor Classroom )

  • The Gospel Project: Gospels (Lee Ramseur, Fellowship Hall)

  • Ladies: The Gospel of Mark (Brenda Trice, Fellowship Hall Classroom)

  • Men: The Gospel of John (Alan Hausser, Fellowship Hall Classroom) 

 New Sermon Series:

  • Ephesians: Living as Christ’s Church


ESL Class begins March 20, 6:30 PM

An excellent opportunity for cross-cultural evangelism and ministry is working with internationals who live in our community. Do you know that most internationals who visit America to study are never invited into the home of an American, much less a believer? I have heard stories of some who bring suitcases of gifts from their country of origin, excited to share them with new friends in the U.S., only to discover that no one cares for them after arriving. Crestview has been given a unique opportunity to provide ESL classes for international students studying at UGA Griffin.

If you want to befriend these students, consider serving with our new ESL ministry (English as a Second Language). Classes start on Monday, March 20, from 6:30 PM–8:00 PM and continue each month's 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. ESL class will meet in the fellowship hall. This class aims to teach conversational English and improve speaking proficiency. We can use you if you can speak English and be a Christ-like example.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Tricia Hill at triciadhill@gmail.com.

Foster Care Night, March 24

On Friday, March 24, from 5:30 PM–9:30 PM, we will provide a parent's night out for local foster families. Our church is coming alongside Families for Families, a local foster care ministry lead by Brian and Ivy Scoggin, to serve fostering parents. We will provide child care at the Crestview campus while parents get a much-needed night out.

You must be certified through Crestview's Ministry Safe program to volunteer for this opportunity. If you still need to be certified, you can start the certification process now and be ready to serve by the 24th.

For more information or to volunteer, text Angela Lawrence at 770-307-8027.

Elder Nominees Question & Answers

After gathered worship this Sunday, there will be a question and answer panel with the elder nominees: Rocky Stubbs, Cole Barnes, and Brandon Vaughn. This panel is an excellent opportunity to learn more about elder ministry, our church, and these men.

Called Conference Moved to March 26

As explained Sunday, the called conference initially announced for March 19 is being moved to March 26 to allow 30-day notice.

Updated Constitution and By-Laws Amendments

Minor adjustments have been made to the proposed Constitution and By-Laws Amendments. The most current proposed amendments are available: HERE

Proposed Updated Financial Policy

The proposed updated policy is available: HERE

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Elder Nominees

Church Family,

Welcome New Members

This past Sunday, we received two new members: Josh and Mindy Griffis. Josh and Mindy have four children: Ruth, David, Nathan, and Abigail. Thanks for making the Griffis family welcome!

Elder Nominees

On Sunday, the elders nominated the following men to the congregation to be recognized as elders: Rocky Stubbs, Cole Barnes, and Brandon Vaughn (reaffirmation). If the church approves, these three men will join David Trice and me to comprise a five-person pastoral team overseeing Crestview. 

Elders are biblically qualified men, affirmed by the church, who provide spiritual and administrative oversight. Crestview refers to this office as “elder." Other synonymous words the New Testament uses are “overseer, bishop, shepherd, and pastor.”

Elder nominations are essential in the life of our church, and need your prayers. If anyone knows why any of these men would not be biblically qualified to serve, please speak to them directly, or come and speak with David, Brandon, or me.

Following gathered worship on Sunday, March 5, we will hold an elder nominee question and answer session. At this round-table discussion, nominees will field questions from the congregation related to elder ministry.

On Sunday, March 19, there will be a special called conference following gathered worship to vote on the nominees.

Proposed Constitution and By-Laws Amendments

On Sunday, the elders submitted amendments to the constitution and by-laws to the congregation. The reasons necessitating these amendments were outlined in the members meeting. These amendments effectively entail the following: (1) The role of associate pastor is added, (2) the associate minister role is not an elder, (3) the title of senior pastor is changed to lead pastor, (4) deacon service is removed as a requirement for lay-elders, and (5) the requirement for a majority of the elders be lay-men is removed. If anyone has questions about the proposed amendments, please talk to any elder. The congregation will vote on the proposed amendments at the March 19 called conference. The proposed amendments are available: HERE

Proposed Updated Financial Policy

Additionally, on Sunday, the elders and finance team submitted to the congregation for consideration an updated financial policy. The need for an updated policy was explained in Sunday’s meeting. In short, our current financial policy needs to be updated to reflect the church's organizational structure and the sound financial practices we are following. If anyone has questions about the proposed policy, please get in touch with any elder or finance team member. The congregation will vote on the proposed policy update at the March 19 called conference. The proposed updated policy is available: HERE

Roof Work is Underway

Roofing work is underway! Praise the Lord!

Let’s be faithful to pray for all these items.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

A Special Day

Lord’s Supper & Members Meeting this Sunday

We should always prioritize gathering with the church each Lord's Day. But the days we celebrate the Lord's Supper and have our quarterly members meeting, like this coming Sunday, should have a particular priority.

Our faith grows as we eat the supper, obeying Jesus's command to remember him in this way. As we eat, we testify to our incorporation into the Lord’s church (“The bread that we break is it not a participation in the body of Christ?” 1 Cor 10:16). What a privilege to gather and eat!

Congregationalism is a conviction that comes with certain obligations. Under the Lord, each Crestview member not only shares a common faith and doctrine but is also tasked with the responsibility to hear the updates from your leaders and participate in decision-making. Remember, the local church is the sum of its members. Unless providentially hindered, I hope we will all display the biblical conviction of living congregationalism this Sunday by being present.

Adjustment to our Saturday Service Day Efforts

The time has come to adjust to our Saturday service days. We are not making immediate plans to organize a Crestview-specific service team each Saturday. In its place, we will encourage volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse. Many want to continue serving with storm cleanup. Samaritan's Purse intends to continue operating out of Oak Hill Church until at least March 11. They have a good list of homes, tools, and staff to assess needs. Training begins daily at 7:30 am and 12:30 pm, including Saturdays. Let’s continue to pull together Crestview folks and use this avenue to serve neighbors and share the gospel on Saturdays (or other days).

Of course, if a specific home needs help, we can always organize a Crestview-specific effort through our deacons.

Roof Work Starting Soon

Weather permitting, and Lord willing, we hope to start roofing work next week!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

90-Day Discipleship Challenge

90-Day Discipleship Challenge

Sometimes it takes a challenge and a goal to begin a new habit. I am inviting anyone not in a discipleship group to join me for a 90-Day Discipleship Challenge starting February 1. Those who take up this offer will experience what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples. We will meet each Wednesday at 6:30 PM over these 90 days. Ask yourself: Do I have a plan to strengthen my obedience to Jesus by May? This challenge is one way to answer "Yes!" to this question. 

Saturday Service Days:

For the upcoming weeks, at 9:00 AM on Saturdays, we are organizing workdays in the community to help neighbors with storm clean-up. We will meet at the Crestview campus. Members and friends are welcome. Bring gloves, rakes, chainsaws, wheelbarrows, and other tools that may be helpful.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:

Samaritan’s Purse at Oak Hill Church plans to continue operating until the second week of February if you have time during the week. Volunteer to serve on clean-up teams Monday through Saturday. Trainings begin at 7:30 AM and 12:30 AM daily.

Crestview Camping Trip: March 31-April 2

Sign up in the Church Center App or follow this link for Information and Registration

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Church Family,

One of my daily Bible reading tracks this morning was in Luke 10:25-37. Jesus answered a lawyer's questions about eternal life with the parable illustrating the necessity of loving one's neighbor. In the parable, a Samaritan crosses social, racial, and religious barriers to show compassion to a seriously injured man. The story's point is powerful; those who hope in the Lord for the grace of eternal life must show compassion to those around us in the here and now. In the aftermath of the tornadoes, there are opportunities around us to love our neighbors. Praise the Lord for the chance to be his hands, feed, and mouthpiece in our city!

Schedule for this Week

Wednesday: Normal mid-week schedule

Sunday: Normal Sunday Schedule

The Developing Leaders Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, Jan 21, is canceled. We will be organizing work teams to go into the community on Saturday.


Saturday Service Day:

At 9:00 AM on Saturday, we plan a workday in the community. We will meet and get organized at the Crestview campus. Members and friends are welcome. Bring gloves, rakes, chainsaws, wheelbarrows, and other tools that may be helpful. Bring plenty of water and a sack lunch.


Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:

I hope you will be part of the ongoing relief effort underway in our community. We are learning that it helps to work through personal relationships with property owners or work through one of the organized relief efforts at the Senior Center or Samaritan's Purse at Oak Hill Church. This way, you will go to a property where the owner has requested help.

  • Volunteer at the Senior Center: Monday through Saturday, 9:00 AM–2:00 PM.

  • Volunteer at Samaritan’s Purse at Oak Hill: Monday through Friday, trainings begin at 7:30 AM and 12:30 AM daily.

Ongoing Donation Needs:

Below is a list of items needed by GA Baptist Disaster Relief and Rushton’s Hope. You may deliver items to the Crestview Office during office hours. We will see they get where they need to go (M-Th, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM): New blankets, canned goods, nonperishable snack items, yard trash bags, flashlight, pet food, personal care items, toilet paper, medication, first aid items.


For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering Total

Today I received the final total for the International Mission Offering (Lottie Moon) given in December: $6,700! Praise the Lord! It is a privilege to reach the nations of the world together with sister churches through the International Mission Board. Let's continue engaging in God's global purpose by going, sending, praying, and giving.

Doctoral Update

On Wednesday, I will be back on campus at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, for my final in-person seminar for my Doctor of Ministry program. This seminar is Foundations in Disciple-Making with Dr. George Robinson and Dr. Mark Liederbach. For three intensive days, I will be learning along with a cohort of ten other pastors. Thanks for your prayers! I will be traveling back Saturday evening and will be here to worship with Crestview on Sunday.

Finishing my final seminar marks a transition point in the program. From this point on, I will be researching and writing for my project/dissertation. The title is Developing a Strategy for Using the Bible as the Primary Resource for Disciple-Making. I aim to finish writing by September to graduate this December. Please keep this as a matter of prayer and encouragement over the coming months! I will continue sharing the fruit of my learning along the way.

I am thankful for the top-notch education, biblical integrity, and Great Commission focus at Southeastern. I am proud of the seminary training I am receiving through one of our SBC seminaries. Additionally, most of my tuition has been covered through generous scholarships and grants from the Keesee Foundation and Flat Creek Baptist Church. I am also grateful for the encouragement I am receiving from Tricia, my children, and Crestview's staff and elders.   

Gathered Worship this Sunday, Dec 15

This Sunday morning, Brandon Vaughn will be preaching Matthew 4:12-25, “Jesus Begins His Ministry.” Additionally, our congregation will recognize and reaffirm four deacons and their wives for ministry. Please make a special effort to be present for this service on Sunday.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Walking Wisely

Happy New Year!

As we begin 2023, let's do so with attention to walking with the Lord. The Lord invites us to give thought to our plans for using time:

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Eph 5:15-16).”

The start of a new year is a prime opportunity to evaluate and reset areas where wise walking is needed. I am working on a new personal journaling approach to beneficially read in all four tracks of my daily Bible reading plan and convert the SPECK questions into prayer. It is off to a good start! How about you? Are there ways you are evaluating and resetting to make “the best use of the time?”   

Resuming Wednesday Night Ministries This Week, Jan 4

Wednesday at 6:30 PM, we resume our regular Wednesday night ministry activities: Kids, Students, & Adult Discipling. Join us!

Regular Sunday Schedule this Week, Jan 8

This Sunday, January 8, we return to our regular Sunday Schedule. We will resume the 2 Samuel sermon series: “The Return of the True King,” 2 Samuel 19-20.

Community Groups

Community Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month. We are encouraging current groups to remain together for winter/spring (because some groups we just organized at the end of the year). Do you want to connect with others for a meal, sermon discussion, and prayer? Pursuing fellowship is essential for the life of the church. See any elder if you need assistance finding a group, or see the Community Group information on the bulletin board. 

Thank you, Gayle!

This Sunday, Jan 8, we will recognize Gayle Kelley as she retires after ten years of service to Crestview as our financial administrator. The church will present her with a retirement gift. Members who would like to show their appreciation with cards are welcome.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Christmas Happenings

Christmas Happenings

  • Caroling & Chili Supper: Sunday, Dec 11, 4:00 PM

Cook your best pot of chili and meet at the fellowship hall this Sunday at 4:00 PM. Groups will go caroling to senior members of our church, including those who are homebound. Afterwards we will enjoy chili together. As always, a select cohort of culinary judges will award the best chili(s).

  •  Kids Christmas Party: Wednesday, Dec 14, 6:30 PM

  •  Student Christmas Party: Wednesday, Dec 14, 6:30 PM

  •  Legacy Plus Christmas Luncheon, Dec 20, 12:00 PM

Retirees, please join us and bring a friend for a Christmas theme luncheon. All food will be provided: ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potato pie.

  • Candlelight Service: Saturday, Dec 24, 5:00 PM

Join us for a casual evening of family-friendly Christmas hymns and Scripture reading. This is a wonderful gospel opportunity for family, friends, and neighbors. The service will be about 45-minutes in length.

  •  Christmas Day Gathered Worship: Sunday, Dec 25, 10:30 AM

Plan to gather with the church on the Lord’s Day for a service that will focus on the incarnation of the Lord Jesus. There will be no coffee corner, equipping courses, or nursery.

  •  New Years Day Gathered Worship: Sunday, Jan 1, 10:30 AM

Plan to gather with the church on the Lord’s Day for a service that will focus on the glory of the Lord Jesus. This is an ideal way to bring in 2023. There will be no coffee corner, equipping courses, or nursery.

International Missions Offering: Week of Prayer

Each day this week we are praying for International Missions. Through the International Mission Board, our fellowship of churches have sent over 3,650 missionaries serving in 116 countries. They serve in many of Earth's hardest, darkest, least-reached places. As you pray this week, please consider how the Lord is inspiring you to support this work. Sunday, December 18, will be our giving emphasis day.

Members Meeting Update

Praise the Lord for the wonderful members meeting this past Sunday. You heard important updates and made significant decisions. I highlight several here. We received two new members, both recently baptized, Cooper McLean and Addy Butler! The church affirmed new deacons: Doug Lawrence, Clay McLean, Reese Simmons, and Grayson Webb. We also affirmed the proposed 2023 Church Ministry Budget. Praise the Lord!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering

International Missions Offering

A ministry endeavor worth noting in the New Testament is the collection of funds from predominantly Gentile congregations by Paul to support the largely Jewish churches in Jerusalem. This cooperative offering is mentioned in Acts, Romans, and 1 & 2 Corinthians. In fact, the occasion when the authorities arrested Paul in Acts 24 was the delivery of these funds to Jerusalem. This offering is an example of churches working jointly to fund God-honoring ministry.

In this same spirit, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is a joint effort of Great Commission Baptist Churches to provide funding to spread the gospel of the grace of God to all peoples around the world. Through the International Mission Board, our churches have sent over 3,650 missionaries serving in 116 countries. Over 90% of these missionary teams actively engage at least 1 of over 7,000 unreached people groups. These are OUR missionaries! They serve in many of Earth's hardest, darkest, least-reached places.

Please prayerfully consider how the Spirit of the Lord is stirring you to make a generous contribution to this year's offering for International Missions. As you do so, know that our church is one of the thousands of sister churches working together in this God-honoring ministry. This Sunday, December 4, we will begin our week of prayer for International Missions. Sunday, December 18, will be our giving day emphasis.

Members Meeting this Sunday

This Sunday, following gathered worship, will be our quarterly members meeting. In this meeting, you will hear essential updates on the church, add and remove members, and make several decisions. One decision will be to affirm the men whom the elders and deacons recommend serving as deacons: Doug Lawrence, Reese Simmons, Grayson Webb, and Clay McLean (Reaffirmation). Another decision will be the affirmation of the proposed 2023 Ministry Budget prepared by the elders, finance team, and staff: Proposed 2023 Ministry Budget

Welcome Alexis Lawrence

I am happy to announce that Alexis Lawrence has begun working in the office as our new ministry assistant. Over the next month, she will be transitioning into Gayle Kelley's role. Gayle will be retiring at the end of the year. Please, take the opportunity to thank Gayle for her service and welcome Alexis to our staff.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

GBC 200

200th Georgia Baptist Convention

Sunday evening through Tuesday evening Cole and I represented Crestview at the 200th annual meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention in Augusta. More than 1,200 people from churches across our state heard preaching, sang together, and received updates on the ministries of the GBC. A significant emphasis was celebrating the history of the Baptist work in Georgia while emphasizing that we must continue going forward with the gospel until Jesus returns. Sunday evening, we commissioned 24 missionaries and families to work among the nations through the IMB. It is always encouraging to see ways the Lord uses our cooperative efforts to further the gospel in Georgia and to the ends of the earth.

Proposed 2023 Ministry Budget

Linked below, please find the proposed 2023 Ministry Budget prepared by the elders, finance team, and staff. We have prepared a budget that promotes the ongoing spread of the gospel through Crestview. We expect that giving this year will exceed our 2022 budget!! This growth will allow us to expand the missions and ministry efforts of the church and move us closer to the next phase of work in the worship center. The church will be able to affirm the budget at the members meeting on Dec 4.

As you consider this budget, please prayerfully give attention to your faithful financial support of your church. When a member votes to approve the budget, it is also a personal commitment to do your part in helping undergird your church through generous giving. PROPOSED 2023 MINISTRY BUDGET

Deacon Recommendations

The elders and deacons recommend that the church affirm the following men to serve as deacons:

• Doug Lawrence

• Clay McLean (Reaffirmation)

• Reese Simmons

• Grayson Webb

These men and their wives have undergone a vetting process to confirm biblical qualifications, and they all desire to serve the church if affirmed. If, for some reason, you believe one of these is not qualified, please talk to him or notify an elder. At the Dec 4 members meeting, you will have the opportunity to affirm these men as deacons.

Operation Christmas Child: Collection Week

This week we are the local drop-off location for shoeboxes. If you want to volunteer to help receive and process these boxes, show up at the fellowship hall during the scheduled times (listed below).

Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner

This Sunday, Nov 20, at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall, will be our churchwide Thanksgiving dinner. You can look forward to an evening of food, fellowship, and warm testimonies of the Lord’s work among us. Please help us to prepare adequately by registering if you plan to be at dinner (It takes less than a minute): REGISTRATION

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Deacon Recommendations

Church Family,

Please give attention to the following:

Engaging Neighbors: This Saturday at 11 AM

This Saturday we will be engaging neighbors and sharing the gospel from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Meet in the fellowship hall for training and prayer before departing. In the event of wet weather, we will go to local indoor locations to strike up gospel conversations.

Deacon Recommendations

Several weeks ago, the congregation nominated men to serve as deacons. We have considered these nominations, and the elders and deacons recommend that the church affirm the following:

·         Doug Lawrence

·         Clay McLean (Reaffirmation)

·         Reese Simmons

·         Grayson Webb

These men and their wives have undergone a vetting process to confirm biblical qualifications, and they all desire to serve the church if affirmed. If, for some reason, you believe one of these is not qualified, please talk to him or notify an elder. At the December 4 members meeting, you will have the opportunity to affirm these men as deacons.

Two of our current deacons, Jarrell Horton and Warren Sides, have ended their 3-year term of service. They have chosen to roll off from active deacon ministry. Both brothers and their wives have served the Crestview well. Please take this opportunity to encourage them and thank them for their service.

Operation Christmas Child: Boxes Due Sunday

It is a joy to be part of a ministry that is making the gospel known worldwide and providing a gift of love to children. This Sunday is the deadline if you plan to turn in a shoebox. Our goal is for every family in the church to pack at least one box.


On November 15, the monthly senior luncheon will be changing locations. We will enjoy lunch together at Golden Corral on Jonesboro Road in McDonough. The group will carpool from the Crestview parking lot, leaving at 11:30 AM. Senor lunch is $10.49 each. Paul Robertson is the point of contact. Please see him to coordinate transportation.

Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, November 20, at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall, will be our churchwide Thanksgiving dinner. You can look forward to an evening of food, fellowship, and warm testimonies of the Lord’s work among us. Please help us to prepare adequately by registering if you plan to be at dinner (It takes less than a minute): REGISTRATION


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

November Has Arrived!

Church Family,

November has arrived! This time of the year is my favorite. The leaves are falling, the weather is perfect for an outdoor fire, and the holidays are around the corner!

Here are a few items for your attention:

Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, Nov 20, at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall will be our churchwide Thanksgiving dinner. You can look forward to an evening of food, fellowship, and warm testimonies of the Lord’s work among us. Please help us to prepare adequately by registering if you plan to be at dinner (It takes less than a minute): REGISTRATION

Time Change

This Saturday night is the fall time change. Your digital device will change automatically, but if you depend on a non-digital clock, remember to set it back an hour.

Members Meeting Date Change

The quarterly members meeting has been rescheduled from Nov 12 to Dec 4 after gathered worship. This schedule change will aid the deacon nomination and ministry budget process.

The Covenant with David: 2 Samuel 7 – Part 2

Because of the importance of 2 Samuel chapter 7, it is prudent to give attention to this text. This past Sunday, we considered the first half of the chapter: God's promise to David. Lord willing, in the sermon this coming Sunday, we will examine the second half of the chapter: David's response to God's promise (7:18-29). Please read this passage several times and come prepared to magnify the name of the Lord God.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Preparing for Gathered Worship

Church Family,

We place a high priority on gathering to worship as one assembly each Lord’s Day. Being ready for this weekly celebration takes a bit of looking ahead by each of us:

1) Read over the sermon text several times. We publish sermon cards regularly, so you know the upcoming sermon plan. You might use one of these as a bookmark in your Bible.

2) Familiarize yourself with the lyrics and melodies of songs we will sing together (Google, Spotify, and YouTube are helpful tools). We publish the song list each Saturday on Crestview's social media accounts (FB, IG, Twitter).

3) Pray for the church's assembly in general and individual members by name. Use the church directory to pray for one another. Print copies are available on the resource shelf. Download the directory file from the link at the bottom of Crestview Weekly Update.

When we prepare ourselves like this, we come with anticipation, and our gathering takes on fresh significance. You are needed!

Baptism This Sunday

We look forward to rejoicing as Addy Butler and Cooper McLean publicly identify with the Lord this Sunday. We are always ready to baptize more! If you know someone who needs to be baptized, encourage them to speak with me.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

What is a Church?

Church Family,

Have you ever found yourself using a word you struggled to explain? This experience is not uncommon. We use words all the time that, if pressed, we would find difficult to define. Definitions are beneficial tools because they sharpen our understanding of our vocabulary.

So, what is a church? How would you define the word?

In Rediscover Church, Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman offer the following definition:

“A church is a group of Christians who assemble as an earthly embassy of Christ’s heavenly kingdom to proclaim the good news and commands of Christ the King; to affirm one another as his citizens through the ordinances; and to display God's own holiness and love through a unified and diverse people in all the world following the teaching and example of elders” (26).

This definition is rich and extensive. Please take a moment and re-read it, contemplating the significance of each phrase. What does this definition include that you might have missed? What does this definition omit that you might have incorporated?

This definition serves as the outline for Rediscovering Church. Hansen and Leeman unpack what a church is phrase by phrase. Rediscovering Church is our book giveaway in October. Pick up a free copy in the resource area as long as supplies last.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Learning and Following the Lord's Will

Church Family,

This past Sunday, it was inspiring to see how David inquired and followed the Lord in 2 Samuel 2. Today, we have many advantages over David when it comes to knowing and obeying God's will. We have God's clearest revelation of himself in Jesus Christ, possession of the Old and New Testament Scriptures, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I shared these briefly on Sunday, but here are the practical, biblical steps I regularly advise in discerning and following the Lord’s will:

  1. Commit: Resolve to love and follow the Lord. Romans 12:1-2; Proverbs 1:7

  2. Gather Information: This information comes from two sources 1) God’s Word and 2) the situation. 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Proverbs 14:15, 18:15.

  3. Pray: Orient the desires of your heart to align with the Lord’s desires. Proverbs 21:2; Philippians 4:6-7.

  4. Obtain Counsel: Talk to your spouse, parents, pastors, and wise fellow believers. Proverbs 24:5.

  5. Reflect: Assess what you have learned—especially the motives of your heart and mind. Psalm 1; Ephesians 5:6-10.

  6. Decide: Make the best decision possible and move on in faith. 1 Kings 18:21; Proverbs 3:5-8

  7. Control expectations: A wise decision does not guarantee ease and success. Proverbs 16:9, 19:21.

If I can help provide counsel to you at any time, please reach out to me. It is my joy to serve you in this way.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Opportunity for Disciple-Making

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …  Matthew 28:19

Church Family,

Replicating disciples is a principal component of being a follower of Jesus and a member of his church. Growing as disciples and helping others to do the same should be fundamental to our daily lives.

Dr. Mark Leiderbach, one of my professors at Southeastern Seminary, casts an inspiring vision for discipleship: “The eternal privilege and adventure of discipleship will always involve us chasing the Lord’s infinitely wondrous, perfectly good, beautifully loving, just and holy, mercifully gracious self. This was Gods’ design and desire for Adam and Eve in the garden before the Fall, it is His desire for every believer today, and it will continue to be the privilege of every sinner saved by grace forever into the eternal future.”[1] It is a terrific opportunity to be part of disciple-making!

Beginning Wednesday, August 10, and continuing each Wednesday night through August, I will lead a 4-session disciple-making practicum. We will cover the theology and methodology of leading others to follow and mature in Christ. Then, starting in September, we will launch new long-term discipling groups that will run through next June. I invite you to lean in and take part in this new disciple-making wave!

I will be traveling to Southeastern Seminary in North Carolina on Wednesday for my next doctoral seminar, "Critical Issues in Disciple-Making.” The course is strengthening my understanding of discipleship to the people we minister to in the world in which we live. Please pray for my travel and growth.

I’ll fly back Saturday night and plan to lead gathered worship on Sunday. Brandon Vaughn will preach this week from Psalm 66, “Sing the Glory of His Name.” As is your habit, please be praying for the preaching of the word and gathering of the church this coming Lord’s Day.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas


[1] Mark Liederbach, Chasing Infinity: Discipleship as the Pursuit of Infinite Treasure, (Orlando: Cru Press, 2017), 12.

The Blessings of Consecutive Expository Preaching

Church Family,

So long as the Lord wills, this Sunday will be a milestone day for us. You will conclude hearing, and I will finish preaching the entire book of Hebrews. We began Hebrews this past September. This Sunday will be our 27th sermon in this book. Praise the Lord for how we have freshly experienced together that “Jesus is Better”!

Featuring the consecutive expository preaching through books of the Bible, as you typically experience in Crestview’s worship gathering, is good for us all. Consider for a moment the blessings linked to diligently working through books of the Bible as we have done with Hebrews:

1.     Consecutive expository preaching safeguards God’s agenda against being hijacked by ours.

2.     Consecutive expository preaching makes it harder for us to abuse the Bible by reading it out of context.

3.     Consecutive expository preaching dilutes the selectivity of the preacher.

4.     Consecutive expository preaching keeps the content of the sermon fresh and surprising. There is healthy amazement each week as the congregation and the preacher encounter God in his word. When the text drives the sermon, remarkable discoveries await.

5.     Consecutive expository preaching makes for variety in the style of the sermon. The different genres of the Bible (law, narrative, psalm, epistle, etc.) require sermons to be shaped in different ways.

6.     Consecutive expository preaching models good nourishing Bible reading for the ordinary believer.

7.      Consecutive expository preaching helps us preach the whole Christ from the whole of Scripture. [1]  


What’s after Hebrews? We will return to the Psalms for the rest of the summer—looking at a different Psalm each week. Then, Lord willing, we will begin 2 Samuel in September.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas  

[1] Christopher Ash, The Priority of Preaching (Christian Focus: London, 2010), 111-121.

Recap and Reflections on SBC 2022

 Church Family,  

Last week Cole and I participated in the annual meeting of Great Commission Baptists. The Southern Baptist Convention met in Anaheim, California, on June 12-15, 2022. I am sharing a few of the highlights and my reflections. If you are looking for more detail, here is Baptist Press's summary: SBC Wrap up

For the first time in over 25 years, the convention met in California. 8,100 messengers gathered for preaching and singing at the Pastor’s Conference, hearing reports from SBC entities, and conducting business. The days were long—starting at 8 AM and finishing after 10 PM each day.

The most noteworthy occurrence at the SBC is always the updates on our cooperative mission efforts through IMB, NAMB, and our six seminaries. We do other things, but these are the primary expressions of our cooperation. We commissioned 52 missionaries to serve among the nations through the IMB. One of whom will be joining the team we support in Africa. The current total is approximately 3,600 missionaries serving internationally.

Since 2010, NAMB has helped churches to start over 9,400 church plants. At our current rate of starting new churches, by 2030, one-third of the SBC churches will have been planted since 2010.

All six of our seminaries affirm the inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of the Bible. They are focused on developing church leaders who will fulfill the Great Commission. Those leading and teaching at our seminaries affirm The Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Several well-known evangelical seminaries in the US struggle to keep their doors open. Still, our seminaries are growing, well-funded, and strong.

The pastor’s conference was a particular highlight for me this year. Twelve pastors preached consecutively through Colossians. Al Jackson, who preached at Crestview this past April, delivered the closing sermon from Colossians 4, "No Insignificant Saints." He reminded pastors that there are no unimportant ministry locations. Every local church needs faithful shepherds. Additionally, Kem Jackson was honored at the Pastor's Wives Luncheon for her distinguished service alongside her husband.

The most noteworthy item of business was the overwhelming approval of the recommendations of the Sexual Abuse Task Force. The support of these recommendations is the first of many steps by the SBC to address abuse. This issue is not behind the convention, but it seems that we have turned a corner and are taking appropriate measures.

There were several officer elections. Bart Barber of Texas was elected president of the SBC over Tom Ascol of Florida (60/40). I liked that both brothers serve as pastors of regular, normative size churches. Both affirm the inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of the Bible and support the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Barber is a well-known Baptist leader who ran on a platform of charity toward those who disagree, supporting the sexual abuse task force and encouraging unity across the SBC. Let’s pray that Barber serves our convention well.

Daniel Dickard of North Carolina was elected president of the 2023 pastor's conference over the well-known Voddie Baucham. Baucham is a good brother, preacher, and writer, yet he lives in Zambia, Africa, and is not a member of an SBC church. Therefore, inevitably most found it inappropriate for a non-Southern Baptist to lead the SBC pastor’s conference.

In quite a humorous moment, Rodolfo Diaz-Pons, a pastor of an eight-member church in California, nominated himself for Second Vice President with a rousing speech. He then qualified for a run-off by one vote. He ultimately was not elected to the post. That's the SBC for you!

For the second convention in a row, there was a motion to close the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. For the second year, the messengers overwhelmingly defeated the motion. During the discussion, Richard Land, the long-time leader of the ERLC, spoke to the convention from the floor. He reminded the convention of the vast good done by the ERLC and that there will always be a few ERLC actions that will be unpopular in some circles. Such does not mean that the convention should shut down an entity. The vote by the messengers revealed their agreement.

Probably the most significant lingering issue relates to Saddleback Church (Rick Warren, pastor) and the issue of women pastors. Article six of the BF&M 2000 states, "The office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture." Saddleback has ordained women as associate pastors. Last year, a motion referred the issue to the credentials committee to investigate whether the church's practice is within the bounds of SBC cooperation. This year, the committee recommended asking the president to form a study committee about the issue of women pastors. After some discussion, with Albert Mohler and Rick Warren notably speaking from the floor, the committee rescinded the recommendation, which is therefore unresolved.

While no SBC churches have women serving as lead, senior pastors, some, like Saddleback, use the title for female associate ministers. However, as I see it, this is an unbiblical use of the title. To be clear, I am convinced that the Bible teaches that the office and function of a pastor, elder, bishop, or overseer are limited to qualified men (whether senior or associate). This conviction is why we do not assign the title "pastor" to anyone not serving as an elder in our church. Based on my observation in the room, most of the messengers believed that Saddleback's practice was unacceptable. If we had voted, I expect the convention would have dismissed Saddleback. This issue is unresolved, so I will be watching what transpires.

Resolutions were approved by the messengers supporting rural ministry, condemning the prosperity gospel, addressing the war in Ukraine, and several others. There was little controversy surrounding them. I appreciate that the resolutions committee brought to the floor statements around which the convention was united.

I always return home from the annual meeting encouraged by what we are doing as Great Commission Baptists. It is exciting to see how our mission efforts are making a difference. It is wonderful to renew friendships with fellow partners in ministry from around the country.

The SBC is not heaven, so things are not perfect. Some issues are of concern to me. I am concerned that the convention resolves the issue of women pastors in a way that honors the Bible and the convention’s statement of faith. I wish SBC churches were not preoccupied with pragmatism, technique, and numbers. Instead, I hope our churches will become more committed to faithful word-driven preaching, evangelism, and discipleship (as promoted by Juan Sanchez in his convention sermon!) I long to see stronger relationships between sister churches and their pastors. I want SBC politics and social media to be more Christ-like and less worldly. I fear that the Cooperative Program’s best days are in the past as a denominational funding mechanism. Yet, I rejoice in record offerings for International and North American missions (Lottie and Annie). I am bothered by personalities who generate heat by asserting that the SBC is becoming theologically liberal. I do not see liberal drift occurring across a denomination that so resolutely affirms the truth and sufficiency of the Bible at every turn. As you see, I have my concerns, but this is part of the nature of cooperation with a larger body of churches. Let us lean into our partnerships, attend conventions, and be a voice of influence. I agree with Albert Mohler:  "Southern Baptists may take a while, they may not take the most direct route, but they eventually get it right."

It was a long trip and several hard days. I enjoyed the time with Cole and am thankful for the blessing he is to our church. It was good to eat Indian food and catch a game at Dodgers Stadium the last night. I am thankful for our convention of Great Commission Baptists and glad Crestview plays a small yet not insignificant part in it.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Sexual Abuse Task Force Report

Church Family,

At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, the convention formed the Sexual Abuse Task Force (SATF) to administer an independent investigation of the SBC Executive Committee (EC) over the last 20 years related to handling sexual abuse reports. The SATF was to oversee the investigation and publish its findings and recommendations one month before the 2022 Annual Meeting on June 14-15 in Anaheim, California.


The Guidepost Solutions report is lengthy (288 pages, plus appendices). It relates allegations of abuse by EC members, mishandling of abuse allegations, mistreatment of abuse victims, patterns of intimidation of sexual abuse victims and advocates, and resistance to sexual abuse reform initiatives. It relates a situation in which a few key leaders in the EC protected the denomination at the expense of victims minimizing the crimes committed against them. The revelations contained in this report are sinful and disturbing.

The report contains a host of recommendations to the convention to help all convention entities and churches properly handle future abuse situations. When the convention meets in two weeks, responding to this report will begin.


First, this report should remind us of the seriousness of sin and temptation. Let each of us fight the deeds of the flesh. Paul teaches us: "For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Rom 8:13). Only the gospel is the answer to our sinful nature.

Second, we should lament this situation, grieving that we live in a world where abuse still is a reality. We should mourn that our SBC leaders have acted unjustly. We should pray for the Lord to make all things right.

Third, we should recognize that abuse is sin - whether sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional - whether inflicted on a child or adult. The correct action is to act to protect the abused, not safeguard the abuser.

Fourth, our church leaders should receive training in responding to reports of abuse. Earlier this year, in a doctoral seminar, I completed training to equip pastors in this regard. This training is available free to any church leader or member: Becoming A Church that Cares Well for The Abused.

Fifth, we should send messengers to convention meetings (SBC, GBMB, FRBA) to stay abreast of proceeding and, when opportunities present themselves, be voices of influence. Cole Barnes and I will Crestview’s messengers to the Annual Meeting in Anaheim.

Finally, we should urge anyone in an abusive situation to seek help. Help is available:

  • Contact local law enforcement (911)

  • Childhelp National Child abuse hotline: 1800-4-A-Child or WHAT IS ABUSE?

  • Georgia Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-33HAVEN, or IS THIS ABUSE?

The day is coming when abuse will no longer exist. Until Jesus returns and ushers in the fullness of his kingdom, we must be prepared for the reality of abuse.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas