Spiritial Disciplines

Disciples Follow Jesus’ Commands In Spirit-Driven Faith (By Thomas Hill)

Yesterday, in the second message in our current four-part sermon series, Living as Disciples, we learned that disciples follow Jesus’ commands in Spirit-driven faith. Jesus emphasized this dedication when teaching the twelve the night before he was crucified: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:15-17).

Those who treasure Jesus above all express such love by following Jesus' teachings. But what's more, the Holy Spirit indwells disciples, providing us with the support and guidance we need to walk in obedience. Such God-pleasing obedience requires risk on our part, meaning that we step out in faith to obey our Lord's commands. We follow by faith not because it always makes sense to us but because we love him and he has spoken.

We should, then, ask: What are Jesus's commandments? His commandments include not only the imperatives found in the New Testament gospels but all of the Father’s revealed will. Here is a list of some of the most foundational commands that are important for both new and experienced disciples to follow:

  1. Repent and believe: Mark 1:15

  2. Be baptized: Matthew 28:19

  3. Gather with the church: Matt 16:18, 18:17; John 13:34-35; Hebrews 10:24-25

  4. Learn the Bible: John 5:39-40, 17:17; Luke 24:27

  5. Pray: Matthew 6:9

  6. Love one another: John 13:35-35

  7. Eat the Lord’s Supper: Luke 22:14-20

  8. Give time, talent, treasure: Matthew 6:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:6-8

  9. Put off Sins & Put on Virtues: Luke 9:23-26; Ephesians 4:17-32

  10. Make disciples: Matthew 28:18-20

Weight yourself. Does your life reflect consistency following Jesus’ commands in Spirit-driven faith.? Are you helping others to live as obedient disciples? May the Spirit strengthen our love for him as we delight in walking in his instructions!

Disciples Speak

This coming Sunday, in the third message of this series, we will learn that Jesus’ disciples speak the gospel to others. A reason the Lord has given you new life as his disciple is to make known to the nations that Christ has suffered, risen from the dead, and that he will forgive the sins of all who repent and believe. As caring disciples, it's our responsibility to invite others to experience this transformative message. Do you know someone who would benefit from these sermons on living as disciples? Invite them to come with you this Sunday!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Walking Wisely

Happy New Year!

As we begin 2023, let's do so with attention to walking with the Lord. The Lord invites us to give thought to our plans for using time:

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Eph 5:15-16).”

The start of a new year is a prime opportunity to evaluate and reset areas where wise walking is needed. I am working on a new personal journaling approach to beneficially read in all four tracks of my daily Bible reading plan and convert the SPECK questions into prayer. It is off to a good start! How about you? Are there ways you are evaluating and resetting to make “the best use of the time?”   

Resuming Wednesday Night Ministries This Week, Jan 4

Wednesday at 6:30 PM, we resume our regular Wednesday night ministry activities: Kids, Students, & Adult Discipling. Join us!

Regular Sunday Schedule this Week, Jan 8

This Sunday, January 8, we return to our regular Sunday Schedule. We will resume the 2 Samuel sermon series: “The Return of the True King,” 2 Samuel 19-20.

Community Groups

Community Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month. We are encouraging current groups to remain together for winter/spring (because some groups we just organized at the end of the year). Do you want to connect with others for a meal, sermon discussion, and prayer? Pursuing fellowship is essential for the life of the church. See any elder if you need assistance finding a group, or see the Community Group information on the bulletin board. 

Thank you, Gayle!

This Sunday, Jan 8, we will recognize Gayle Kelley as she retires after ten years of service to Crestview as our financial administrator. The church will present her with a retirement gift. Members who would like to show their appreciation with cards are welcome.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

How are you growing as a disciple of Christ? (Daily Bible Reading Plan)

We are called to be progressing as disciples in every season of life. Our COVID world may be challenging in many ways but it should not stop your forward progress as a disciple of Jesus. In fact, every trial and hardship is designed by God to strengthen your appreciation of Him and grow in faith. So, how are you growing as a disciple?

You may already have your own plan for daily Bible reading. If so - great! If not, then I want to give you the loving challenge to make the most of this season. Whether or not you are currently participating in our Wednesday night discipling gathering, I'm encouraging you pick-up and participate in the daily Bible reading plan and journaling we are doing. This is a wonderful way to grow together as a church family.

Attached you will find the DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN we are following. (For those who use the ESV Bible app or ESV Study Bible website, this is the "Digging Deep Into the Bible" 1 year plan if you want to take advantage of digital resources.) We are following the Gospels and Epistles track but feel free to add any of the other three tracks if you'd like more reading. We are currently reading through the Gospel of Luke.

Each day read the assigned portion and journal your observations. Attached instructions for daily journal entries.

Even if you cannot meet with us currently on Wednesday nights, by keeping up with this reading plan you will be sharing the experience, growing in God's word, and will be ready to jump into discipling groups when you are able to attend on Wednesdays.

I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to you!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas