
2024 Giving Highlights (By Thomas Hill)

Jesus stated, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). In his book, Budgeting for a Healthy Church, pastor Jamie Dunlop draws from Jesus’ statement a principle for churches: “To understand what really matters to a church, look past its vision statement, past its website, past its glossy brochures, and look at its budget. Follow the money. What a church treasures—how it spends its money—reveals its heart, its values, and its priorities” (15). This reality is true for Crestview.

Now that we have closed the books on 2024, I want to share several exciting observations that were made possible by your active participation and generous contributions:

In 2024, your giving allowed us to direct $100,000, or 18% of expenses, to international, regional, and local mission and relief efforts! These efforts include the cooperative program, International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Mission Georgia, Flint River Baptist Association, Christian Women’s Center, Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center, McIntosh Baptist Church replant, Crestview Compassion, Lesotho trips, and more. Your contributions clearly demonstrate Crestview's commitment to engaging the world with the gospel, from here to the ends of the earth (Matt 28:18-20).

We devoted $65,000, or 12% of expenditures, to support gathered worship, equipping courses, disciple-making, and ministries to kids and students. Crestview clearly values worship, community, and building up our church (Eph 4:11-12).

We invested $260,000, or 46% of expenditures, in pastoral staff and families, administrative staff, and the development of elders, deacons, and their wives. Crestview clearly values and honors its leaders (1 Tim 5:17; Heb 13:17).

We applied $138,000, or 25% of expenditures, to maintaining the church campus. These costs included utilities, property insurance, and keeping fixtures and equipment operational. Crestview clearly values a functional, attractive, and safe campus as a ministry tool (Deut 22:8).

Separate from these budget expenditures, in 2024, the Henry and Myrtis Holman Memorial fund, a fund set up by past Crestview members in their estate planning to support mission work, distributed $36,000 in Crestview’s name, divided evenly, to the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. The Holmans set up this perpetual fund in their estate planning. I suspect they will give more to missions from heaven than they did during their earthly days!

Even with your commendable efforts and your leaders’ appeals, the church fell $34,000 short of our budget goal for 2024. However, I am hopeful that with your continued generosity, we can surpass our goals in 2025, enabling us to direct more funds to the initiatives valued by the Lord and Crestview.

Our church’s budget is a key way we work together as a church in gospel ministry. Dunlop highlights the budget’s importance: ”Think of your church’s budget as a long-term mutual fund with an excellent rate of return. It’s a spiritual mutual fund” (36). May every Crestview member be thankful on that last day for every dollar we entrusted to this budget!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Replanting: How? (By Thomas Hill)

NOTE: A significant ministry initiative planned for Crestview in 2025 is the replanting of McIntosh Baptist Church. Over three weeks, I am devoting this weekly article to answer questions related to this initiative:

Last Week: Replanting: Why? Why is this a worthy effort?

Today: Replanting: How? How will McIntosh be rebirthed?

Jan 20: Replanting: Who? From where will the members of this new church come?


How will those involved carry out the replanting of McIntosh Baptist Church? How will it be rebirthed?

With Reliance on the Lord

Scripture reveals that the Lord establishes and strengthens his church for his glory and purposes in the world. After Peter confesses Jesus' Lordship, Jesus declares, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt 16:18). Jesus, therefore, promises to expand and guard his church. Paul teaches the church in Ephesus that "Through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (Eph 3:10). God’s wisdom, then, shows forth in the world through local churches. Paul instructs Timothy that the local church is the Lord’s priority: “I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim 3:14-15). The local church protects and proclaims the truth the living Lord has revealed. The Lord highly regards his church and has given birth to it for his glory.

Most fundamentally, then, the replanting of McIntosh Baptist Church must be the Lord’s work carried out through his people. He must bless, build, and sustain it. It is our responsibility, then, to rely upon him by utilizing his ordained means for this work. We must pray. Will you pray daily for this effort to honor the Lord and thrive? We must diligently follow Scripture, employ sound doctrine, and apply wisdom. We must keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Then, we must give time, money, service, and members to this work. After all, Jesus warned, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

With a Clarity about the Nature of the Church

One potential hindrance to replanting can be fuzziness about what a local church is. A local church is not established by having a building, a website, a worship service, evangelism, or even a crowd—as vital as these may be. A church is formed when believers intentionally covenant together before the Lord to practice what the Lord reveals a church to be. They promise to rightly practice the ordinances and truly proclaim the word. They promise to love and encourage one another’s discipleship. Together, then, they carry out the Lord’s purposes for his church: worship, fellowship, evangelism, disciple-making, and mission. Throughout the process of replanting McIntosh, there will be clarity about the nature of the church.

With Cooperation from Multiple Churches

Replanting McIntosh will be the united effort of many Baptist churches united in the gospel. Primarily, the forty-five churches of the Flint River Baptist Associational Network are leading the way. We also expect other churches from outside our immediate area to support the work. All these churches will contribute in varied ways according to their abilities. The initial members of the new McIntosh will, likewise, come from these cooperating churches. A few will be sent from here and a few from there. My prayer is that the church will covenant in September with fifty initial members commissioned from sister churches in the region.

With a Purposeful Process

The replanting effort will follow a purposeful process that, Lord willing, will birth a new McIntosh Baptist Church this September.

INTEREST MEETINGS: From January to March, Daniel Sanderson, McIntosh's new pastor, will conduct interest meetings for anyone interested in learning more. At these meetings, he will describe the vision and process of the replant. These interest meetings will be the primary season for recruiting potential members.

PLANT TEAM FORMATION: From April to August, Daniel will begin meeting regularly with those who have the most interest in potentially joining the new church. Together, this group will start considering what it means to be a church together.

COVENANTING: In September, those in the plant team who desire to be initial members of the church will covenant together to be the new McIntosh Baptist Church.

PUBLIC GATHERINGS: The Sunday following covenanting, the church will start public worship gatherings and functioning as a church.

To learn more about Daniel and the replanting process, check out the McIntosh Replant Site.

As McIntosh Baptist Church is replanted, our aim is to rely upon the Lord, remain clear about the nature of the church, cooperate with sister churches, and follow a purposeful process. As we do, our aim is that all our churches will show forth the manifold wisdom of God.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Replanting: Why? (By Thomas Hill)

A significant ministry initiative planned for Crestview in 2025 is the replanting of McIntosh Baptist Church. Over the next three weeks, I am devoting this weekly article to answer questions related to this initiative:

Today: Replanting: Why? Why is this a worthy effort?

Jan 13: Replanting: How? How will McIntosh be rebirthed?

Jan 20: Replanting: Who? From where will the members of this new church come?

Why is replanting McIntosh Baptist Church a worthy effort? I will answer this question on several fronts. First, I will provide some background.


McIntosh Baptist Church, founded in 1894, has a long history on the north side of Griffin. The Lord worked through this church over the past decades to affect many lives in our region – including some of our own Crestview members. However, for a variety of reasons, the church fell into steady decline over many years. Participation dwindled to an average of fifteen people, which pressed the church to consider its future viability. Crestview’s elders were instrumental in guiding McIntosh to entrust the Flint River Baptist Association to replant the church. In May 2024, the church made the unanimous kingdom-minded decision to continue the vision and purpose of the church through replanting. The church held its last gathering in December.

The goal of replanting is to fold the church’s remaining assets into a completely new church that will gather in the same location. The new McIntosh Baptist Church will have new leadership, new members coming from sister churches, and a fresh vision of ministry. Former members may choose to join the new church or move on to other local churches. Daniel Sanderson will serve as the replanting pastor. Throughout the winter and spring, he will promote the replant within the association, assemble a replant team of initial members, reconstitute the church, and launch public gatherings in September 2025 (Lord willing).

Biblical Reasons for Replanting:

Most importantly, there are sound biblical reasons for starting – and replanting - new churches. The storyline of Acts proves that the local church is the instrument of God’s mission in the world. For example, we read in Acts how the church of Ephesus was planted through gospel preaching and subsequently started other churches: The word of God is preached in Ephesus (11:19-20); people believe (11:21-26); the church gathers and grows (11:26); the church sends out missionaries (13:1-3); and the cycle of church planting starts afresh in Asia Minor (Acts 14 and beyond). The mission of the church is to start new churches through the preaching of the gospel and conversion of unbelievers. There are many more biblical reasons, but the storyline of Acts is considerable evidence for starting new churches.

Practical Reasons:

There are several practical reasons for replanting McIntosh. First, the former members of the church wanted to see this work carried out. Without kingdom-minded members who were willing to trust their association of sisters FRBA churches, this would not be possible. Second, the church has a highly visible facility on Highway 92 that features a beautiful 150-seat worship center and various other spaces. It needs maintenance and updating, but the campus can be a superb ministry tool for a new, healthy church for decades to come. Third, this is our opportunity to save a church facility for kingdom use. If replanting does not occur, the campus would likely be sold and lost for church use. Due to zoning, resistance, and expense, churches are increasingly finding it challenging to obtain facilities in which to gather. By replanting McIntosh, we are capitalizing on the investment that generations of members made to establish their campus as a beachhead for Christ's kingdom in our region.

Demographic Reasons:

We have done the demographic research, and it reveals that a new, healthy church is needed in north Griffin. Within a 5-mile radius of McIntosh (and Crestview!) live 45,000 people. We estimate that 80% of the people are unbelievers, which is 36,000! Individuals will generally drive no more than 10 minutes, or 5 miles, to gather with a church. Compare these facts to the estimated combined seating capacity of all existing churches within a 5-mile radius of the McIntosh campus: 5,000 seats. So, yes, there is plenty of room in the harvest field for at least one more new, healthy church to reach the tens of thousands in our community who are are lost in sin. What's more, we are not adding a new church facility; we are saving one from being lost to this mission!

Cooperative Reasons:

First, the Lord calls us to cooperate with sister churches in the great commission. Churches are independent yet interdependent. Again, see the example in Acts: the church in Jerusalem sent both Barnabas and then Saul to serve the newly formed church in Ephesus (Acts 11). They were later, then, commissioned to start other churches in Asia Minor.

The Lord is not likely to win our region to himself through Crestview alone; our community is too populated. We must not stand in competition with other churches but in cooperation – rejoicing to see them preach the gospel and grow. Frankly, I believe that Crestview’s future will be found in leading the charge to plant, replant, and revitalize sister churches in the Griffin/Spading region and beyond. McIntosh is only the first, I pray, of many. I have little desire to see our church build more extensive facilities when the opportunities for replanting and revitalizing sister churches are so abundant (and cost-effective).

Second, we are one of many churches that are cooperating to replant McIntosh. Woolsey Baptist, Pinecrest Church, and First Baptist Zebulon are providing significant leadership and financial support. The forty-five churches of the FRBA are collaborating in this work. Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Sandy Springs is sending a pastor and, potentially, more members. Christ Memorial Church in Vermont is sending a team of fifty-six members on a construction mission trip in February. The bottom line: we are not doing this alone, but we must do our part.


Why should McIntosh be replanted? I have laid out a handful of biblical, practical, demographic, and cooperative reasons. We could develop many more motives. Still, this much is clear: there are many solid reasons for Crestview to support replanting McIntosh.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

5 Habits of a World Christian (By Thomas Hill)

A big take away from Jonah is that we should share God's compassion for all people worldwide. We should rejoice as the Spirit uses the Word of God proclaimed by missionaries, pastors, and everyday believers to transform people of all languages and backgrounds.  Obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) should mark each of our lives. Here are five habits of world Christians -- those who share God's heart for the nations (1):

  1. Going: A world Christian is willing to go wherever the Lord sends. In some cases this means moving to a foreign land and learning a new language. But in all cases, we must speak the gospel to unbelievers around whom we live, work, and play.

  2. Praying: A world Christian prays consistently for God's name to be hallowed among all tribes in the world. The needs of missionaries and the persecuted church are a daily part of intercession.

  3. Giving: A world Christian generously supports global missions financially.

  4. Hospitality: A world Christian provides gospel-centered hospitality to those from the nations who live in our community, such as refugee and English Language ministries.

  5. Mobilizing: A world Christian labors to send workers out to the nations by providing prayer, financial support, and encouragement.

Let's cultivate these five habits of world Christians in our lives for the glory of Jesus Christ!

For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas

(1)  George G. Robinson, "What is the Responsibility of each Christian to the Great Commission?" 40 Questions about the Great Commission, 279.

International Missions Offering Total

Today I received the final total for the International Mission Offering (Lottie Moon) given in December: $6,700! Praise the Lord! It is a privilege to reach the nations of the world together with sister churches through the International Mission Board. Let's continue engaging in God's global purpose by going, sending, praying, and giving.

Doctoral Update

On Wednesday, I will be back on campus at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, for my final in-person seminar for my Doctor of Ministry program. This seminar is Foundations in Disciple-Making with Dr. George Robinson and Dr. Mark Liederbach. For three intensive days, I will be learning along with a cohort of ten other pastors. Thanks for your prayers! I will be traveling back Saturday evening and will be here to worship with Crestview on Sunday.

Finishing my final seminar marks a transition point in the program. From this point on, I will be researching and writing for my project/dissertation. The title is Developing a Strategy for Using the Bible as the Primary Resource for Disciple-Making. I aim to finish writing by September to graduate this December. Please keep this as a matter of prayer and encouragement over the coming months! I will continue sharing the fruit of my learning along the way.

I am thankful for the top-notch education, biblical integrity, and Great Commission focus at Southeastern. I am proud of the seminary training I am receiving through one of our SBC seminaries. Additionally, most of my tuition has been covered through generous scholarships and grants from the Keesee Foundation and Flat Creek Baptist Church. I am also grateful for the encouragement I am receiving from Tricia, my children, and Crestview's staff and elders.   

Gathered Worship this Sunday, Dec 15

This Sunday morning, Brandon Vaughn will be preaching Matthew 4:12-25, “Jesus Begins His Ministry.” Additionally, our congregation will recognize and reaffirm four deacons and their wives for ministry. Please make a special effort to be present for this service on Sunday.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering

International Missions Offering

A ministry endeavor worth noting in the New Testament is the collection of funds from predominantly Gentile congregations by Paul to support the largely Jewish churches in Jerusalem. This cooperative offering is mentioned in Acts, Romans, and 1 & 2 Corinthians. In fact, the occasion when the authorities arrested Paul in Acts 24 was the delivery of these funds to Jerusalem. This offering is an example of churches working jointly to fund God-honoring ministry.

In this same spirit, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is a joint effort of Great Commission Baptist Churches to provide funding to spread the gospel of the grace of God to all peoples around the world. Through the International Mission Board, our churches have sent over 3,650 missionaries serving in 116 countries. Over 90% of these missionary teams actively engage at least 1 of over 7,000 unreached people groups. These are OUR missionaries! They serve in many of Earth's hardest, darkest, least-reached places.

Please prayerfully consider how the Spirit of the Lord is stirring you to make a generous contribution to this year's offering for International Missions. As you do so, know that our church is one of the thousands of sister churches working together in this God-honoring ministry. This Sunday, December 4, we will begin our week of prayer for International Missions. Sunday, December 18, will be our giving day emphasis.

Members Meeting this Sunday

This Sunday, following gathered worship, will be our quarterly members meeting. In this meeting, you will hear essential updates on the church, add and remove members, and make several decisions. One decision will be to affirm the men whom the elders and deacons recommend serving as deacons: Doug Lawrence, Reese Simmons, Grayson Webb, and Clay McLean (Reaffirmation). Another decision will be the affirmation of the proposed 2023 Ministry Budget prepared by the elders, finance team, and staff: Proposed 2023 Ministry Budget

Welcome Alexis Lawrence

I am happy to announce that Alexis Lawrence has begun working in the office as our new ministry assistant. Over the next month, she will be transitioning into Gayle Kelley's role. Gayle will be retiring at the end of the year. Please, take the opportunity to thank Gayle for her service and welcome Alexis to our staff.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering

Church Family,

This Sunday is our annual International Missions Offering (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering). This offering is one way you can personally partner with those serving in the darkest, most unreached corners of the world. Check out these stories to learn how your gifts help spread the gospel among the nations: International Mission Board


Sunday evening at 4:00 PM is a fun evening as a church. We will meet at the church campus at 4:00, divide into groups, and go out caroling to some of our mature and homebound members. Afterward, we will return to the church campus for a chili dinner. THIS YEAR, CHILI IS BEING PROVIDED. PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILI TO CONTRIBUTE. Just bring yourself, your family, and happy smiles.  


Please mark your calendar and plan to participate in two special Christmas opportunities:

Candlelight Service: December 24, 5 PM. Celebrate as a family as we read Scripture and sing classic Christmas hymns. 45-minutes, casual, family-friendly.

Sunday, December 26: We will hold a church-wide breakfast from 9:15 to 10:10 AM (no equipping courses this day). Gathered Worship will begin at 10:30 AM and feature Christmas music and a sermon titled “The King Born in Bethlehem," based on Micah 5:2-5.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Ministry Opportunities Abound

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12


There are several opportunities on the horizon for you to “get your hands dirty” doing good: 


We are beginning a 4-week gospel outreach on Sunday, March 21. Weather permitting, we will meet outdoors on the Crestview campus as one assembly. A large “revival” tent will be set up. There will be plenty of space for all the seating we could need.  Not only should you attend, but this is a prime evangelism opportunity for you to bring guests. Invite you ONE as well as unbelieving coworkers, classmates, family, friends, and neighbors.  Not only will meeting outdoors allow our entire church to meet together but perhaps it will also allow some to attend who are otherwise hesitant to meet indoors. We plan to live-stream these services for those who are unable to attend in person. In case of inclement weather we will move indoors. 

Pulling off these outdoor services each week will bring with it a host of new ways to help. We will need joyful, servant-minded members to arrive early and stay late to help with set-up, hospitality, follow-up. 

Please be praying for the lost to be saved and for the church to be strengthened!


Do you have a heart for reaching the nations with the gospel? An opportunity on the horizon is serving with our International Mission Ministry Team. This team is being newly organized and will meet Wednesday night at 8:00PM (March 10) in the worship center and via zoom. The role of this team is to provide ongoing support to the elders to help the church remain faithful in the Great Commission mandate of making disciples among all nations. If you would like to learn more, plan to join us on Wednesday night.  To request zoom info email me: thomas@crestviewbaptist.org


Do you have a heart for helping those in need? We want to expand our ministry to be an avenue for evangelism and discipling while helping people learn how to meet their basic needs. We would like to train 8-10 members in how to conduct initial interviews and life coaching. Monday night at 8:00PM (March 12) we will have 1-hour zoom training for all who would like to learn more. To request zoom info email me: thomas@crestviewbaptist.org


This Sunday we will be reopening the toddler and preschool nurseries for families who would like to utilize them. We do not anticipate the need for an infant nursery at this time. Thank you to all our wonderful nursery servants who will be serving these families – you are a blessing!

Finally, the tentative plan is to restarting equipping courses and other group ministries in mid-April following on the heels of the outdoor services. Look for more information as the date approaches.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Update: A Message of Hope for our Neighbors

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2


Please continue praying for neighbors and friends who are hearing the message of hope through Jesus Christ!  We are seeing responses to our invitations in several ways. Over 3,600 viewed our promo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 115 people clicked the promo to visit the Hope web page.  This page has had 300 visits over the last two weeks. We do not have statistics on The Story short film but can reasonably estimate 50-100 views.

Many heard the message of HOPE REVEALED this past Sunday! Though attendance Sunday was lower than past weeks (83 in-person), we had 9 first-time guests! We saw streaming views go up almost 100%. 37 devices viewed the service live (our normal average is 20). The service has been viewed a total of 63 times on YouTube.  Additionally, just this morning, we had a neighbor from Spring Valley Circle come to the church office inquiring about our ministry. He said he had received an invitation on his door last Saturday!

That is all wonderful and we are not done!  This Sunday the focus is HOPE RECEIVED. Continue inviting and sharing the gospel with friends, family, and neighbors this week. Have you invited your One to join us Sunday or watch the live stream?  A new social media promo campaign will begin this Thursday.  Please like and share these posts when you see them. The reach and influence of our church is exponential when we leverage our social media platforms for the spread of the gospel!  Finally, continue praying that the Lord to use our efforts and for the lives of many to be transformed by the gospel of grace.  


This Sunday plan to bring your gifts for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Think of this as a special Christmas gift bringing the greatest news to those around the world who have yet to hear, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Give in-person, on-line, or by mail.  Our church goal is $10,000.  What will the Lord do among us?


We are in time of year when annual sickness is typically on the rise.  Add to it this year an increasing number of COVID cases in our area, and we have the need to be extra vigilant. Thank you to all who have erred on the safe side and remained home when you were unsure about your health. Remember, if you are feeling ill, for any reason, please stay home as a way of caring for one another. When you are well, then we are happy to worship with you!  When on campus please follow our GATHERING GUIDELINES. These guidelines have been serving us well and we need everyone’s participation.    

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Local Churches, Cooperating Together

I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be helped on my journey there by you, once I have enjoyed your company for a while. At present, however, I am going to Jerusalem bringing aid to the saints. For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make some contribution for the poor among the saints at Jerusalem. Romans 15:24-26


God reveals in Scripture many examples of churches partnering together for the sake of the gospel. One case is cited above from Romans.  Paul had collected an offering from churches around the Mediterranean region for the relief of believers in Jerusalem.  Also, he was preparing the church at Rome to support him in his travel to take the gospel to Spain. There are many other examples of such cooperation across the New Testament. It glorifies the Lord and honors his universal church when we appreciate ministry beyond what is happening in our own backyard. Partnering with other churches (and networks of churches) widens and extends our gospel-eyesight. We become aware of what God is doing in other regions and needs that we can work together to meet. This past Sunday we were reminded of our own partnership with Jason Lee and Clarkston International Bible Church. We are working in cooperation to spread the gospel among the nations living in Atlanta! Consider going to Clarkson on Saturday, October 3, to take part in Serve Day (email cole@crestviebaptist.org for more info and to register).


Another avenue of cooperation for Crestview is our local association of like-minded churches called the Flint River Baptist Association (FRBA).  The FRBA is composed of about 50 churches in the greater Spalding County region. It exists “to facilitate and connect churches to partner and serving and fulfilling the Great Commission.” Over the last year, Dr. Frank Nuckolls, association mission strategist, has been leading the FRBA through a renewal of its vision and reorganization its mission focus. I am enthusiastic about the direction things are going.

There are a couple of ways for you to keep up with the FRBA. One way is to visit the WEBSITE and read the monthly newsletter, THE FORECASTER.  Another way is to attend the annual meeting.


This year’s annual meeting of the Association is Sunday, September 27, at 6:00 PM, in the worship center of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Williamson. You will hear about our cooperative ministry, vision, goals, and updates on what our mission dollars are accomplishing. We will enjoy worship in song by Oak Hill’s worship team, hear an encouraging address by Dr. Nuckolls, and a missions sermon from Ken Adams, pastor of Crossroads Church in Newnan. I want to encourage you to mark your calendar and plan to attend. Every so often someone will ask me, “Why don’t our churches ever get together for a large worship service?” The answer is: We do!  This is it - you are invited.   


Last week I wrote asking you to generously supply the church ministry budget in the hope of creating a surplus of $11,000 by September 30. This will allow the breezeway project to begin. In only one week you are already responding! Giving to the budget this past week totaled $8,278, which should generate several thousand dollars of surplus as we close the books on August. Additionally, we had special gifts to the campus renovation fund totaling $5,500!  This is an exciting start, and we still have one month to go! Continue to pray and give as the Lord enables. If we have generous hearts, perhaps the Lord will provide what is needed for the breezeway and more!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas