
2024 Giving Highlights (By Thomas Hill)

Jesus stated, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). In his book, Budgeting for a Healthy Church, pastor Jamie Dunlop draws from Jesus’ statement a principle for churches: “To understand what really matters to a church, look past its vision statement, past its website, past its glossy brochures, and look at its budget. Follow the money. What a church treasures—how it spends its money—reveals its heart, its values, and its priorities” (15). This reality is true for Crestview.

Now that we have closed the books on 2024, I want to share several exciting observations that were made possible by your active participation and generous contributions:

In 2024, your giving allowed us to direct $100,000, or 18% of expenses, to international, regional, and local mission and relief efforts! These efforts include the cooperative program, International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Mission Georgia, Flint River Baptist Association, Christian Women’s Center, Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center, McIntosh Baptist Church replant, Crestview Compassion, Lesotho trips, and more. Your contributions clearly demonstrate Crestview's commitment to engaging the world with the gospel, from here to the ends of the earth (Matt 28:18-20).

We devoted $65,000, or 12% of expenditures, to support gathered worship, equipping courses, disciple-making, and ministries to kids and students. Crestview clearly values worship, community, and building up our church (Eph 4:11-12).

We invested $260,000, or 46% of expenditures, in pastoral staff and families, administrative staff, and the development of elders, deacons, and their wives. Crestview clearly values and honors its leaders (1 Tim 5:17; Heb 13:17).

We applied $138,000, or 25% of expenditures, to maintaining the church campus. These costs included utilities, property insurance, and keeping fixtures and equipment operational. Crestview clearly values a functional, attractive, and safe campus as a ministry tool (Deut 22:8).

Separate from these budget expenditures, in 2024, the Henry and Myrtis Holman Memorial fund, a fund set up by past Crestview members in their estate planning to support mission work, distributed $36,000 in Crestview’s name, divided evenly, to the International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. The Holmans set up this perpetual fund in their estate planning. I suspect they will give more to missions from heaven than they did during their earthly days!

Even with your commendable efforts and your leaders’ appeals, the church fell $34,000 short of our budget goal for 2024. However, I am hopeful that with your continued generosity, we can surpass our goals in 2025, enabling us to direct more funds to the initiatives valued by the Lord and Crestview.

Our church’s budget is a key way we work together as a church in gospel ministry. Dunlop highlights the budget’s importance: ”Think of your church’s budget as a long-term mutual fund with an excellent rate of return. It’s a spiritual mutual fund” (36). May every Crestview member be thankful on that last day for every dollar we entrusted to this budget!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Gospel of Luke: Arrival (By Thomas Hill)

The Gospel of Luke: Arrival

You know Jesus, Paul, and Peter, but do you know Dr. Luke? He was a first-century physician raised in Antioch, the city that was home to the local church that launched Paul's mission to the Gentiles. He became one of Paul's coworkers and traveling companions, traversing the Mediterranean region, making disciples of Jesus, and establishing churches. Though not an apostle himself, Luke was a close companion of Paul's and associated with many eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life.

Luke stands as one of the most influential yet unfamiliar figures of the New Testament. Working under Paul’s supervision, the Holy Spirit inspired the doctor to write almost one-third of the New Testament. Generated from his detailed research and experiences, he penned the Gospel bearing his name and Acts (some scholars theorize that he could have been the unnamed author behind Hebrews, too.) The Lord uniquely used Luke to set down a scriptural record of the life of Jesus and the subsequent ministry of the apostles. The Spirit's use of Dr. Luke to set forth sound doctrine for the church is often underappreciated.

This Sunday, November 10, we plan to begin our next sermon series studying Dr. Luke's Gospel. Through Christmas, we will consider his account of the arrival of Jesus, the long-anticipated Christ. Our journey begins this Sunday with Luke 1:1-4, “A Purposeful Preface.” Not only is this sermon series a perfect way to observe Advent and Christmas, but it is also a gospel opportunity for all. Around us are family and friends who would enjoy learning about Jesus’s arrival and his life-changing importance. Who can you invite to come along with you this Sunday to study Luke?

Proposed 2025 Ministry Plan & Budget

At the upcoming November 17 quarterly members meeting, the elders ask the church to approve the proposed 2025 ministry plan and budget. The elders, finance team, and staff have prepared a budget that reflects the church's biblical mission and our giving trends. I am thankful for the work of each of these groups in assembling this budget.

The budget is more than the numbers. It stands as a plan to undergird a vibrant local church ministry while engaging the world with the Gospel. You should notice that the proposed budget has been reduced by $52,000 from last year to more closely reflect the giving trends of our membership. Our prayer is that the church will give cheerfully, generously, and proportionally so that the church runs with a consistent surplus (income exceeding expenses).

As you consider this budget, also consider the important part you play in its support. Just as every member is vital to the life of our church, so too does the church need every member's generosity. Regardless of the size of our gifts, we are all to honor the Lord and his church with faithful, generous support that is proportional to our means.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

GBC 200

200th Georgia Baptist Convention

Sunday evening through Tuesday evening Cole and I represented Crestview at the 200th annual meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention in Augusta. More than 1,200 people from churches across our state heard preaching, sang together, and received updates on the ministries of the GBC. A significant emphasis was celebrating the history of the Baptist work in Georgia while emphasizing that we must continue going forward with the gospel until Jesus returns. Sunday evening, we commissioned 24 missionaries and families to work among the nations through the IMB. It is always encouraging to see ways the Lord uses our cooperative efforts to further the gospel in Georgia and to the ends of the earth.

Proposed 2023 Ministry Budget

Linked below, please find the proposed 2023 Ministry Budget prepared by the elders, finance team, and staff. We have prepared a budget that promotes the ongoing spread of the gospel through Crestview. We expect that giving this year will exceed our 2022 budget!! This growth will allow us to expand the missions and ministry efforts of the church and move us closer to the next phase of work in the worship center. The church will be able to affirm the budget at the members meeting on Dec 4.

As you consider this budget, please prayerfully give attention to your faithful financial support of your church. When a member votes to approve the budget, it is also a personal commitment to do your part in helping undergird your church through generous giving. PROPOSED 2023 MINISTRY BUDGET

Deacon Recommendations

The elders and deacons recommend that the church affirm the following men to serve as deacons:

• Doug Lawrence

• Clay McLean (Reaffirmation)

• Reese Simmons

• Grayson Webb

These men and their wives have undergone a vetting process to confirm biblical qualifications, and they all desire to serve the church if affirmed. If, for some reason, you believe one of these is not qualified, please talk to him or notify an elder. At the Dec 4 members meeting, you will have the opportunity to affirm these men as deacons.

Operation Christmas Child: Collection Week

This week we are the local drop-off location for shoeboxes. If you want to volunteer to help receive and process these boxes, show up at the fellowship hall during the scheduled times (listed below).

Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner

This Sunday, Nov 20, at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall, will be our churchwide Thanksgiving dinner. You can look forward to an evening of food, fellowship, and warm testimonies of the Lord’s work among us. Please help us to prepare adequately by registering if you plan to be at dinner (It takes less than a minute): REGISTRATION

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas