
Disciples Replicate (By Thomas Hill)

Disciples Replicate

On Sunday, we completed the four-part sermon series, Living as Disciples. In this closing message, we learned that disciples replicate or multiply by taking the initiative to help others treasure and follow Jesus. Jesus authorized his disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18–20). Making disciples from Griffin to the ends of the earth stands as Jesus' mandate for us today. Each of us plays a crucial role in this mission.

Knowing Jesus motivates us to replicate for three reasons. First, as we live as disciples, we abide closely with the Lord. Second, we want to love others the way Jesus taught us to love others. He loved his disciples by investing three years in replicating his life, wisdom, and example in them so they would carry on his disciple-making mission. Finally, replication motivates us because the fullness of joy is found in obeying Jesus’ commandment to make disciples among all nations. Knowing Jesus, loving others, and experiencing joy stand as stirring incentives to take the risk of making disciples.

Weight yourself. Are you replicating by taking the initiative to help others treasure and follow Jesus? Do you have a practical plan for engaging the lost and training new believers in the obedience of faith? What is inhibiting you from multiplying?

Upcoming Preaching Schedule

This coming Sunday, Reese Simmons will be preaching from John 10:1-21, Christ Our Shepherd. I look forward, along with you, to sitting under Reese’s exposition of God’s word. Pray for him and familiarize yourself with the passage before Sunday.

Lord willing, on November 10, I plan to begin preaching a new series through the Gospel of Luke. In November and December we will learn of the arrival of Jesus in the first two chapters of the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends to gathered worship with you – especially those unfamiliar with the life of Jesus.

Time Change Sunday

Remember, this Sunday is also one of the most glorious days of the year for another reason — we gain an hour of sleep! Enjoy the extra sleep, arrive at the correct time, and come with rested bodies to glorify the Lord as his gathered church.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Disciples Speak the Good News of Jesus to the World in the Spirit’s Power (By Thomas Hill)

Yesterday, in the third message in our current four-part sermon series, Living as Disciples, we learned that disciples speak the good news of Jesus to the world in the Spirit’s power. Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into the world and announce the reason for his coming: “Repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem” (Luke 24:47).

Jesus' followers must speak of him to the surrounding world for several reasons. First, other people are not mind readers. We must verbalize Jesus' significance. Second, this news of Jesus is not intuitive and natural. It cannot be learned in isolation. Third, forgiveness requires the response of repentance. In their natural sinful condition, people are not okay. Fourth, speaking in is God’s glorious design to involve us in his mission of redemption. Finally, speaking is necessary because the Lord wants us to live by faith, depending on his power.

What, then, should we say? We should speak the gospel: the news of God’s glorious character, man’s sinful depravity, Jesus’ gracious salvation, and our need to respond in repentance and faith. We should also speak the Scriptures through expository preaching, biblical theology, and Bible-guided discipleship. We should speak with humility, urgency, and gracious joyfulness (Col 4:3-6).

Weight yourself. Are you speaking the good news of Jesus to the world in the Spirit’s power? Are you modeling this characteristic of disciples for others? Are you training others to speak of Jesus to the surrounding world? May the Spirit strengthen our faithfulness to speak much of our savior!

Disciples Replicate

This coming Sunday, in the final message of this series, we will learn that Jesus’ disciples are to replicate. In the wake of our lives, one should find a steady stream of disciples whom we have helped to follow Jesus. Do you know someone who would benefit from these sermons on living as disciples? Invite them to come with you this Sunday!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Disciples Follow Jesus’ Commands In Spirit-Driven Faith (By Thomas Hill)

Yesterday, in the second message in our current four-part sermon series, Living as Disciples, we learned that disciples follow Jesus’ commands in Spirit-driven faith. Jesus emphasized this dedication when teaching the twelve the night before he was crucified: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:15-17).

Those who treasure Jesus above all express such love by following Jesus' teachings. But what's more, the Holy Spirit indwells disciples, providing us with the support and guidance we need to walk in obedience. Such God-pleasing obedience requires risk on our part, meaning that we step out in faith to obey our Lord's commands. We follow by faith not because it always makes sense to us but because we love him and he has spoken.

We should, then, ask: What are Jesus's commandments? His commandments include not only the imperatives found in the New Testament gospels but all of the Father’s revealed will. Here is a list of some of the most foundational commands that are important for both new and experienced disciples to follow:

  1. Repent and believe: Mark 1:15

  2. Be baptized: Matthew 28:19

  3. Gather with the church: Matt 16:18, 18:17; John 13:34-35; Hebrews 10:24-25

  4. Learn the Bible: John 5:39-40, 17:17; Luke 24:27

  5. Pray: Matthew 6:9

  6. Love one another: John 13:35-35

  7. Eat the Lord’s Supper: Luke 22:14-20

  8. Give time, talent, treasure: Matthew 6:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:6-8

  9. Put off Sins & Put on Virtues: Luke 9:23-26; Ephesians 4:17-32

  10. Make disciples: Matthew 28:18-20

Weight yourself. Does your life reflect consistency following Jesus’ commands in Spirit-driven faith.? Are you helping others to live as obedient disciples? May the Spirit strengthen our love for him as we delight in walking in his instructions!

Disciples Speak

This coming Sunday, in the third message of this series, we will learn that Jesus’ disciples speak the gospel to others. A reason the Lord has given you new life as his disciple is to make known to the nations that Christ has suffered, risen from the dead, and that he will forgive the sins of all who repent and believe. As caring disciples, it's our responsibility to invite others to experience this transformative message. Do you know someone who would benefit from these sermons on living as disciples? Invite them to come with you this Sunday!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Disciples Treasure Jesus Above All (By Thomas Hill)

Churches have historically tracked attendance and giving as measures of church strength. These metrics are not useless, and our church tracks them, but they do not quantify some of the essential attributes of growing believers and healthy churches. Dallas Willard proposes, “Instead of counting Christians, we need to weigh them.”[1] In our new sermon series, Living as Disciples, I aim for us to appreciate what it means to live as disciples of Jesus personally and identify biblical criteria for evaluating our practice of making disciples congregationally. Each Sunday, we are developing a "scorecard" for weighing how we are living as disciples who are making disciples.


This past Sunday, we learned that disciples treasure Jesus above all (Matt 13:44). Practically, this shows up in our lives in four ways:

1.      Satisfying our faith in Jesus (Mark 1:15; Matt 11:28-30)

2.      Abiding with Jesus (John 15:4-8)

3.      Conforming our lifestyle to Jesus (John 13:34-35)

4.      Joyfully enduring loss for Jesus’ sake (Mark 13:34-35)

 Weight yourself. Does your life reflect such treasuring of Jesus above all? Are you helping others to live as disciples with these priorities? May the Spirit strengthen within us a white-hot passion for the Lord above all!


Disciples Follow

This coming Sunday, in the second message of this series, we will find that Jesus’ disciples follow his commands faithfully. In the pages of the gospels, we will discover ten essential commands that Jesus-treasuring disciples follow in Spirit-driven faith. Do you know someone who would benefit from these sermons on living as disciples? Invite them to come with you this Sunday!


 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas

[1] Robby Gallaty, Marcs of a Disciple, xvii.

God’s Word Builds His Church (By Thomas Hill)

Do you trust God's word to build his church? This question is a massive one! The answer deeply shapes our church's philosophy of ministry. We operate with this leading conviction: The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to transform ungodly sinners into mature disciples of Jesus Christ.


Don’t take my word for it – this is what the Lord revealed to Paul:


“Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:14-17)


The sacred writings, that is, Scripture, are the Spirit’s inspired instrument for salvation and sanctification. Everything you need to mature as a follower of Jesus comes from learning, interpreting, and applying the Bible in your life by faith.


As I stated, this has massive implications for how our church carries out ministry. We must feature God's word in our ministries if we are to see people born again and maturing as disciples. Here are several ways we depend on God to build his church through his word:


1.      Expositional preaching: preaching in which the point of the sermon is the point of the biblical text.


2.      Word-centered worship: worship elements are shaped deeply by Scripture and the directives of Scripture.


3.      Bible-guided discipleship: using the Bible as our primary resource for training disciples to learn to obey Jesus.


We believe that the Holy Spirit uses God’s word to build his church. Let’s pray for strong appetites to encounter God daily and congregationally each Sunday in his word.


Jonah 3: Obeying & Relenting

This Sunday, we will see what happens within Nineveh when Jonah preaches to the pagan city. What would you expect? Antagonism? Persecution? Laughter? Nineveh's quick repentance stands as a stirring example that challenges all to have consciences that are tender to God’s word. Pray for the preaching of the word this Sunday, come with warm hearts ready to worship, and bring an unbelieving friend to hear the gospel.


For His Glory,


Pastor Thomas

90-Day Discipleship Challenge

90-Day Discipleship Challenge

Sometimes it takes a challenge and a goal to begin a new habit. I am inviting anyone not in a discipleship group to join me for a 90-Day Discipleship Challenge starting February 1. Those who take up this offer will experience what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples. We will meet each Wednesday at 6:30 PM over these 90 days. Ask yourself: Do I have a plan to strengthen my obedience to Jesus by May? This challenge is one way to answer "Yes!" to this question. 

Saturday Service Days:

For the upcoming weeks, at 9:00 AM on Saturdays, we are organizing workdays in the community to help neighbors with storm clean-up. We will meet at the Crestview campus. Members and friends are welcome. Bring gloves, rakes, chainsaws, wheelbarrows, and other tools that may be helpful.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:

Samaritan’s Purse at Oak Hill Church plans to continue operating until the second week of February if you have time during the week. Volunteer to serve on clean-up teams Monday through Saturday. Trainings begin at 7:30 AM and 12:30 AM daily.

Crestview Camping Trip: March 31-April 2

Sign up in the Church Center App or follow this link for Information and Registration

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Opportunity for Disciple-Making

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …  Matthew 28:19

Church Family,

Replicating disciples is a principal component of being a follower of Jesus and a member of his church. Growing as disciples and helping others to do the same should be fundamental to our daily lives.

Dr. Mark Leiderbach, one of my professors at Southeastern Seminary, casts an inspiring vision for discipleship: “The eternal privilege and adventure of discipleship will always involve us chasing the Lord’s infinitely wondrous, perfectly good, beautifully loving, just and holy, mercifully gracious self. This was Gods’ design and desire for Adam and Eve in the garden before the Fall, it is His desire for every believer today, and it will continue to be the privilege of every sinner saved by grace forever into the eternal future.”[1] It is a terrific opportunity to be part of disciple-making!

Beginning Wednesday, August 10, and continuing each Wednesday night through August, I will lead a 4-session disciple-making practicum. We will cover the theology and methodology of leading others to follow and mature in Christ. Then, starting in September, we will launch new long-term discipling groups that will run through next June. I invite you to lean in and take part in this new disciple-making wave!

I will be traveling to Southeastern Seminary in North Carolina on Wednesday for my next doctoral seminar, "Critical Issues in Disciple-Making.” The course is strengthening my understanding of discipleship to the people we minister to in the world in which we live. Please pray for my travel and growth.

I’ll fly back Saturday night and plan to lead gathered worship on Sunday. Brandon Vaughn will preach this week from Psalm 66, “Sing the Glory of His Name.” As is your habit, please be praying for the preaching of the word and gathering of the church this coming Lord’s Day.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas


[1] Mark Liederbach, Chasing Infinity: Discipleship as the Pursuit of Infinite Treasure, (Orlando: Cru Press, 2017), 12.

Summer Opportunities

Church Family,

Welcome to summer! The start of the summer quarter brings two exciting opportunities for you.

Operation Arctic VBS Starts Sunday

Operation Arctic VBS begins this Sunday at 6:00 PM. Please be praying for families who this ministry will touch. See the info above about registration.

Summer Equipping Courses Start Sunday

Below, you will see the listing of new equipping courses that begin this Sunday, June 4, from 9:30 AM to 10:10 AM. The purpose of equipping courses is to teach believers to learn and apply the Bible to daily life. These courses are a time to hear a basic lesson, participate in guided discussion, and make friends. They are an opportunity to get to know your church family, especially those not like you. So, courses are not generally age-graded. They are organized like college classes, so they change topics each quarter. Members are encouraged to go to the course they think will be most beneficial. Summer course topics are in the graphic below. The Coffee Corner opens at 9:00 AM. 

Foundations for Disciples

Many of you participated in the Foundations for Disciples equipping course during the Spring. The Training Guide for this short-term discipling is now available. You are encouraged to use Foundations as initial discipleship with new or novice believers. If you have questions or would like further training, please see Pastor Thomas. DOWNLOAD TRAINING GUIDE

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Resuming Wednesday Night Activities


This past Lord’s Day was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship as a church family. The Spirit of God was clearly at work in hearts during gathered worship. The Lord is stirring our church. May we continue to walk in faithfulness to him, keeping in step with His Spirit, and obeying his commands. 


Wednesday night we will resume our mid-week activities at 6:30 PM.  Everyone will begin the evening together in the worship center and then scatter to our various meeting locations. Elementary Kids will be applying the Gospel Project lesson from this past Sunday. Student ministry will enjoy a bit of fun and games and then focus on discipling by studying Galatians.  Any parents who need nursery for children (walking through 5-yrs) please contact Cole Barnes: cole@crestviewbapitst.org

Adults will continue our Bible-centered discipling. This is a PERFECT opportunity to get involved in a discipling group.  We plan to form men’s, women’s, and couple’s groups. In the announcements below you can find a link to the discipling format and daily Bible reading plan. This week we will be completing 2 Corinthians and starting Galatians.


Each quarter that church giving exceeds expenses a portion of the surplus is directed to additional mission and ministry efforts. This week, on behalf of Crestview, I was able to pass along additional financial gifts to support two of our ministry partners:

These gifts are over-and-above our regular monthly gifts to these ministries. Praise the Lord!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Word of His Grace

And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. Acts 20:32


If you are following the daily Bible reading plan we are utilizing for our Wednesday discipling, and I hope you are, then you know we are currently reading through Acts.  Join us Wednesday night at 6:30 in the worship center as we learn to grow as disciples utilizing God’s word.

This morning’s reading was in Acts 20, Paul’s farewell message to the elders of the church of Ephesus. In verse 32, there is a remarkable statement about the power of God’s grace in Scripture. These men were learning the disappointing news that they were seeing Paul for the last time this side of heaven. There would be no further visits from their spiritual older brother. Paul commends, or entrusts, these men to God’s ever-capable, all-wise hands. What is more, he entrusts them to “the word of his grace”. While there were threats on the horizon, these elders had all the provision they needed in God and in his word. The Scriptures are at their heart the revelation of God’s grace! This grace is the root of salvation and sanctification. A few verses earlier, Paul describes the gospel as, “the gospel of the grace of God” (vs. 25). If they would abide in God and pay attention to this word of his grace, then they would have all they needed for the countless responsibilities that lay ahead of them.

Are you treasuring God and the word of his grace today?  Have you spent time reading, studying, and reflecting on the grace-packed Scriptures today? If so, you can be confident God is using this to prepare you for today, tomorrow, and eternity. Take up and read.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

How are you growing as a disciple of Christ? (Daily Bible Reading Plan)

We are called to be progressing as disciples in every season of life. Our COVID world may be challenging in many ways but it should not stop your forward progress as a disciple of Jesus. In fact, every trial and hardship is designed by God to strengthen your appreciation of Him and grow in faith. So, how are you growing as a disciple?

You may already have your own plan for daily Bible reading. If so - great! If not, then I want to give you the loving challenge to make the most of this season. Whether or not you are currently participating in our Wednesday night discipling gathering, I'm encouraging you pick-up and participate in the daily Bible reading plan and journaling we are doing. This is a wonderful way to grow together as a church family.

Attached you will find the DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN we are following. (For those who use the ESV Bible app or ESV Study Bible website, this is the "Digging Deep Into the Bible" 1 year plan if you want to take advantage of digital resources.) We are following the Gospels and Epistles track but feel free to add any of the other three tracks if you'd like more reading. We are currently reading through the Gospel of Luke.

Each day read the assigned portion and journal your observations. Attached instructions for daily journal entries.

Even if you cannot meet with us currently on Wednesday nights, by keeping up with this reading plan you will be sharing the experience, growing in God's word, and will be ready to jump into discipling groups when you are able to attend on Wednesdays.

I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to you!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas