5 Habits of a World Christian (By Thomas Hill)

A big take away from Jonah is that we should share God's compassion for all people worldwide. We should rejoice as the Spirit uses the Word of God proclaimed by missionaries, pastors, and everyday believers to transform people of all languages and backgrounds.  Obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) should mark each of our lives. Here are five habits of world Christians -- those who share God's heart for the nations (1):

  1. Going: A world Christian is willing to go wherever the Lord sends. In some cases this means moving to a foreign land and learning a new language. But in all cases, we must speak the gospel to unbelievers around whom we live, work, and play.

  2. Praying: A world Christian prays consistently for God's name to be hallowed among all tribes in the world. The needs of missionaries and the persecuted church are a daily part of intercession.

  3. Giving: A world Christian generously supports global missions financially.

  4. Hospitality: A world Christian provides gospel-centered hospitality to those from the nations who live in our community, such as refugee and English Language ministries.

  5. Mobilizing: A world Christian labors to send workers out to the nations by providing prayer, financial support, and encouragement.

Let's cultivate these five habits of world Christians in our lives for the glory of Jesus Christ!

For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas

(1)  George G. Robinson, "What is the Responsibility of each Christian to the Great Commission?" 40 Questions about the Great Commission, 279.