Disciples Speak the Good News of Jesus to the World in the Spirit’s Power (By Thomas Hill)

Yesterday, in the third message in our current four-part sermon series, Living as Disciples, we learned that disciples speak the good news of Jesus to the world in the Spirit’s power. Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into the world and announce the reason for his coming: “Repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem” (Luke 24:47).

Jesus' followers must speak of him to the surrounding world for several reasons. First, other people are not mind readers. We must verbalize Jesus' significance. Second, this news of Jesus is not intuitive and natural. It cannot be learned in isolation. Third, forgiveness requires the response of repentance. In their natural sinful condition, people are not okay. Fourth, speaking in is God’s glorious design to involve us in his mission of redemption. Finally, speaking is necessary because the Lord wants us to live by faith, depending on his power.

What, then, should we say? We should speak the gospel: the news of God’s glorious character, man’s sinful depravity, Jesus’ gracious salvation, and our need to respond in repentance and faith. We should also speak the Scriptures through expository preaching, biblical theology, and Bible-guided discipleship. We should speak with humility, urgency, and gracious joyfulness (Col 4:3-6).

Weight yourself. Are you speaking the good news of Jesus to the world in the Spirit’s power? Are you modeling this characteristic of disciples for others? Are you training others to speak of Jesus to the surrounding world? May the Spirit strengthen our faithfulness to speak much of our savior!

Disciples Replicate

This coming Sunday, in the final message of this series, we will learn that Jesus’ disciples are to replicate. In the wake of our lives, one should find a steady stream of disciples whom we have helped to follow Jesus. Do you know someone who would benefit from these sermons on living as disciples? Invite them to come with you this Sunday!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas