Kids Ministry

Join us on Mystery Island this Summer!!

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14


Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! The dates this year are June 27 - July 1, 6-8 pm, nightly. Notice, we are beginning VBS on a Sunday evening this year. VBS is open to children in Kindergarten - 5th Grade. There will be a nursery available for the children of VBS volunteers.

Our theme this year is Mystery Island, and our focus is seeking out the truth about the one, true, triune God of the Bible, as he has revealed himself to humanity! Each night, we will teach children about the character of God, leading up to his redemptive, unshakable love for his people. Every night will be filled with music, games, crafts, snacks, and bible lessons. But, to make this happen, we need YOU!

Whether you are a VBS veteran or a first-timer, we have a spot for you to serve. We need volunteers who are simply willing to love children and display the truth of Christ, and the light of the Gospel in word and deed. There are registration links below for both volunteers and children. Sign up to engage the next generation with the Gospel today! Volunteers, be on the lookout for emails and communication from us about VBS and training steps you may need to take to serve this year.

Whether you are able to physically serve or not, there are several things you can do to help make this VBS a success:

  • Pray for the children and families that will be impacted by VBS this summer. Pray that hearts would be softened to the Gospel, that people would come to saving faith, and that the one, true God would be lifted high!

  • Invite friends, family, and neighbors to come and be a part of VBS this summer. VBS is a great opportunity for children to hear the Gospel; maybe for the first time!

  • Give faithfully to your church so that we can fund missional, gospel-centered events to engage our community.

Grace to you,

Cole Barnes, Worship and Families

Resuming Wednesday Night Activities


This past Lord’s Day was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship as a church family. The Spirit of God was clearly at work in hearts during gathered worship. The Lord is stirring our church. May we continue to walk in faithfulness to him, keeping in step with His Spirit, and obeying his commands. 


Wednesday night we will resume our mid-week activities at 6:30 PM.  Everyone will begin the evening together in the worship center and then scatter to our various meeting locations. Elementary Kids will be applying the Gospel Project lesson from this past Sunday. Student ministry will enjoy a bit of fun and games and then focus on discipling by studying Galatians.  Any parents who need nursery for children (walking through 5-yrs) please contact Cole Barnes:

Adults will continue our Bible-centered discipling. This is a PERFECT opportunity to get involved in a discipling group.  We plan to form men’s, women’s, and couple’s groups. In the announcements below you can find a link to the discipling format and daily Bible reading plan. This week we will be completing 2 Corinthians and starting Galatians.


Each quarter that church giving exceeds expenses a portion of the surplus is directed to additional mission and ministry efforts. This week, on behalf of Crestview, I was able to pass along additional financial gifts to support two of our ministry partners:

These gifts are over-and-above our regular monthly gifts to these ministries. Praise the Lord!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Gospel Project For Kids

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


As parents, it is our responsibility to train and raise our children in the fear and admonish of the Lord and all His glorious ways. Parenting is one of the most eternally significant things we as humans have the privilege and responsibility to do. Each day I have the opportunity to be the father to my daughter, Eden, I increasingly feel the weight of this duty.

Not only do I have the responsibility of being a father, but as the Families Minister, I also have the great privilege of seeking out good resources for young families to incorporate into the daily discipleship of their children and family worship throughout the week.

The resource I want to draw your attention to is the LifeWay Kids App. Through this app, you have access to all the Gospel Project materials we would normally use during the equipping course hour on Sunday mornings in the Elementary Kids’ Class. There are lesson videos, memory verse games and puzzles, digital coloring sheets, big picture flashcards, and so much more! This is a wonderful tool to incorporate into your week to engage your children with the Gospel or to use as an “at home Sunday School” if you are watching from home on Sundays.

To get set up, simply download the LifeWay Kids App from your AppStore/Play Store, create an account, and download the current quarter’s curriculum from the lifeway in-app store. At times the download is $.99, but it is currently free for the winter quarter. Even at $.99, this is money well spent for the material you’ll receive. Once you’ve downloaded the curriculum, click through and familiarize yourself with the features and capabilities, and start teaching your kids the gospel project at home! I pray this is a useful and effective tool for the daily discipleship of your children.

Grace to you,

Cole Barnes, Worship and Families

We Confess the Supremacy of Jesus Christ

Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
1 Timothy 3:16



What an uplifting gathering we enjoyed yesterday! My soul was warmed as we read 1 Timothy 3:16 as I considered the straightforward confession of the deity, supremacy, and glory of the Lord. Jesus is the true expression of godliness.  We who believe upon Jesus confess these very same truths about him and follow in his footsteps. May this confession be upon our lips this week.  Consider setting this verse to memory and reflecting upon it throughout this week.  


The elders have called a Members Meeting for Sunday, September 27, following gathered worship. Two items of business will be taken up.  First, we will review a tentative plan to return to a regular Sunday/Wednesday ministry schedule.  Second, we will consider membership for any who have completed the membership process and are desiring to join. Expect the conference to last 30 minutes (or less). We will meet in the worship center. No lunch will be served.

Throughout the summer we have been gathering on Sundays for gathered worship and for community groups. Due to the COVID pandemic we have not offered on campus Equipping Courses, Nursery, Kids Ministry, or Wednesday evening discipleship. During this meeting on September 27 we will review a careful, flexible, responsible strategy developed by staff, elders, deacons, and kids leaders to restart these portions of our ministry during the month of October.  The plan considers social distancing requirements, guidelines for the safety of children and nursery workers, and cleaning protocols.

Candidly, the most challenging aspect of the plan may be the re-assembly of a team of members who are able and willing to joyfully minister to children. I am confident some are excited to make gospel-centered, God-glorifying investments in the next generation. Please pray that the Spirit will stir within our church those who have gifts, desire, and time to devote to serving children and their families.  Please be prayerfully considering whether you might be ready to join a 6-week rotation in the nursery or ready to make a 6-month commitment to be a teacher in our kids ministry on Sundays or Wednesdays.

The Lord gifts his body for ministry. I am looking forward to seeing how this all materializes!

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas