This past Lord’s Day was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship as a church family. The Spirit of God was clearly at work in hearts during gathered worship. The Lord is stirring our church. May we continue to walk in faithfulness to him, keeping in step with His Spirit, and obeying his commands.
Wednesday night we will resume our mid-week activities at 6:30 PM. Everyone will begin the evening together in the worship center and then scatter to our various meeting locations. Elementary Kids will be applying the Gospel Project lesson from this past Sunday. Student ministry will enjoy a bit of fun and games and then focus on discipling by studying Galatians. Any parents who need nursery for children (walking through 5-yrs) please contact Cole Barnes: cole@crestviewbapitst.org
Adults will continue our Bible-centered discipling. This is a PERFECT opportunity to get involved in a discipling group. We plan to form men’s, women’s, and couple’s groups. In the announcements below you can find a link to the discipling format and daily Bible reading plan. This week we will be completing 2 Corinthians and starting Galatians.
Each quarter that church giving exceeds expenses a portion of the surplus is directed to additional mission and ministry efforts. This week, on behalf of Crestview, I was able to pass along additional financial gifts to support two of our ministry partners:
$750 to the Christian Women’s Center (helping women in crisis)
$1,000 to Clarkston International Bible Church (refugee ministry)
These gifts are over-and-above our regular monthly gifts to these ministries. Praise the Lord!
For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas