Join us on Mystery Island this Summer!!

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14


Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! The dates this year are June 27 - July 1, 6-8 pm, nightly. Notice, we are beginning VBS on a Sunday evening this year. VBS is open to children in Kindergarten - 5th Grade. There will be a nursery available for the children of VBS volunteers.

Our theme this year is Mystery Island, and our focus is seeking out the truth about the one, true, triune God of the Bible, as he has revealed himself to humanity! Each night, we will teach children about the character of God, leading up to his redemptive, unshakable love for his people. Every night will be filled with music, games, crafts, snacks, and bible lessons. But, to make this happen, we need YOU!

Whether you are a VBS veteran or a first-timer, we have a spot for you to serve. We need volunteers who are simply willing to love children and display the truth of Christ, and the light of the Gospel in word and deed. There are registration links below for both volunteers and children. Sign up to engage the next generation with the Gospel today! Volunteers, be on the lookout for emails and communication from us about VBS and training steps you may need to take to serve this year.

Whether you are able to physically serve or not, there are several things you can do to help make this VBS a success:

  • Pray for the children and families that will be impacted by VBS this summer. Pray that hearts would be softened to the Gospel, that people would come to saving faith, and that the one, true God would be lifted high!

  • Invite friends, family, and neighbors to come and be a part of VBS this summer. VBS is a great opportunity for children to hear the Gospel; maybe for the first time!

  • Give faithfully to your church so that we can fund missional, gospel-centered events to engage our community.

Grace to you,

Cole Barnes, Worship and Families