“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30
Rest and Draw Near This Summer
In the early pages of Genesis, we read of the creation account of humanity. Adam and Eve are created, given the dominion mandate, and commissioned to work the Garden of Eden (Gen 1:28-29, 2:5,15). Work has always been a part of God’s good creation and design for humans; it is good and right for us to work. But, rest is also a part of God’s good design. On the seventh day of creation, we see the Lord resting after the work he had done to make the world, the Israelites are commanded to rest on the seventh day of the week, and we too are to rest (Gen 2:2, Ex 23:12). Rest and sleep are a natural part of our regular cycle, but ultimately, we find rest in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and his completed work. (Matt 11:28-30).
So, this summer, take time to rest well in Christ. Recharge and refill from the trying and difficult season we have been in over the past year. But while you rest, draw near. First, draw near to the person of Christ, lean into a deeper study of His Word, and lean into your relationship with Him. In this time of rest, embrace Christ more fully in all His glory and the depths of His riches. Second, draw near to your family. Use the extra time children have away from sports and school to engage in more family worship, connect together, and simply have fun. Lastly, draw near to your church. Lean into discipling relationships and prioritize corporate worship on Sunday. Lean into opportunities to engage people with the gospel through mission trips and events.
This summer, embrace the goodness of God-designed rest, and use this time to draw near to your family, to Christ, and to his church.
Grace to you,
Cole Barnes Worship and Families