Summer Psalms & SBC Annual Meeting

“To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.” Psalm 25:1

This past week my family enjoyed a brief break together. We were able to escape to Tennessee for a few days of fun together.  These kinds of breaks are incredibly vital to me and my family.  I hope you will find time to do the same this summer at some point. I’m back in the office this week and looking forward to seeing you Wednesday and Sunday.


This past Sunday Cole kicked off our new sermon series – Summer Psalms. Each week through August we will be studying a different psalm. For good reason, many consider Psalms their favorite portion of Scripture. Each one expresses God-glorifying, transparent perspective on the ups and downs of living by faith in close relationship with the Lord.  

You can make the most of this series by being aware of the specific psalm to be preached each Sunday. The preaching schedule is available on sermon cards in the worship center, and it can be found in the newsletter email each week. No one should arrive for gathered worship any week unaware of what is being preached that day. Read, reread, and reflect upon the psalm leading up to the Lord’s Day. Come with a mind and heart prepared to rejoice together as we worship through the text-driven preaching of God’s Word.  This week’s text is Psalm 25, “Follow the Lord’s Paths”.


Next week, June 14-16, is the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. The meeting scheduled for Orlando last year was canceled due to COVID, so it has been two years since the SBC has convened. The SBC is made up of over 50,000 churches throughout the United States who share a common confession of faith and place a high priority on seeing the gospel advance in the world. Each summer these churches hold the world’s largest deliberative business meeting where messengers from local churches approve annual budgets, elect officers, and approve entity trustees (mission boards, seminaries, and agencies), hear reports, and authorize resolutions. Intermixed there is music, sermons, and a host of auxiliary gatherings. It is quite something to behold. I would encourage all church members - in particular church leaders – to make a personal goal to attending an SBC annual meeting at some point.

As a cooperating SBC church, it is my conviction that we have not only the privilege but also the responsibility to send messengers to participate. We have an obligation to supervise the use of our mission dollars. This year Cole and I and our wives will be attending. Please pray for this to be an encouraging time. Invariably I find myself encouraged in the Lord, better educated in our mission efforts around the world, and inspired by the fellowship we enjoy with like-minded churches across the country.

This meeting this year is shaping up to be one of consequence. Over 14,000 messengers are currently pre-registered, about double what is normal. The interest is due to several reasons: 1) Nashville is a popular and convenient location in the southeast, 2) it’s a SBC presidential election year with 4 announced candidates, and 3) controversial issues. One can expect to hear updates on how sexual abuse is being addressed in the SBC, social justice and critical race theory, and women preaching. While disputes and drama may make the headlines, THE most important thing that will take place next week is that we continue to fund and advancement one of the strongest, best-trained mission forces in the world. The Great Commission may not make the headlines – but it should. I hope it will. The best source of news next week related to the SBC can be found here: Baptist Press (National SBC News)

I ask for you to pray for the SBC next week. Pray that God is glorified, that believers will live in unity, that God’s Word will be loved and will drive every decision, and that the watching world will see Spirit-filled Christians model love, truth, and integrity.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas