Gospel Project For Kids

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6


As parents, it is our responsibility to train and raise our children in the fear and admonish of the Lord and all His glorious ways. Parenting is one of the most eternally significant things we as humans have the privilege and responsibility to do. Each day I have the opportunity to be the father to my daughter, Eden, I increasingly feel the weight of this duty.

Not only do I have the responsibility of being a father, but as the Families Minister, I also have the great privilege of seeking out good resources for young families to incorporate into the daily discipleship of their children and family worship throughout the week.

The resource I want to draw your attention to is the LifeWay Kids App. Through this app, you have access to all the Gospel Project materials we would normally use during the equipping course hour on Sunday mornings in the Elementary Kids’ Class. There are lesson videos, memory verse games and puzzles, digital coloring sheets, big picture flashcards, and so much more! This is a wonderful tool to incorporate into your week to engage your children with the Gospel or to use as an “at home Sunday School” if you are watching from home on Sundays.

To get set up, simply download the LifeWay Kids App from your AppStore/Play Store, create an account, and download the current quarter’s curriculum from the lifeway in-app store. At times the download is $.99, but it is currently free for the winter quarter. Even at $.99, this is money well spent for the material you’ll receive. Once you’ve downloaded the curriculum, click through and familiarize yourself with the features and capabilities, and start teaching your kids the gospel project at home! I pray this is a useful and effective tool for the daily discipleship of your children.

Grace to you,

Cole Barnes, Worship and Families

How are you growing as a disciple of Christ? (Daily Bible Reading Plan)

We are called to be progressing as disciples in every season of life. Our COVID world may be challenging in many ways but it should not stop your forward progress as a disciple of Jesus. In fact, every trial and hardship is designed by God to strengthen your appreciation of Him and grow in faith. So, how are you growing as a disciple?

You may already have your own plan for daily Bible reading. If so - great! If not, then I want to give you the loving challenge to make the most of this season. Whether or not you are currently participating in our Wednesday night discipling gathering, I'm encouraging you pick-up and participate in the daily Bible reading plan and journaling we are doing. This is a wonderful way to grow together as a church family.

Attached you will find the DAILY BIBLE READING PLAN we are following. (For those who use the ESV Bible app or ESV Study Bible website, this is the "Digging Deep Into the Bible" 1 year plan if you want to take advantage of digital resources.) We are following the Gospels and Epistles track but feel free to add any of the other three tracks if you'd like more reading. We are currently reading through the Gospel of Luke.

Each day read the assigned portion and journal your observations. Attached instructions for daily journal entries.

Even if you cannot meet with us currently on Wednesday nights, by keeping up with this reading plan you will be sharing the experience, growing in God's word, and will be ready to jump into discipling groups when you are able to attend on Wednesdays.

I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to you!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas



What About Lord's Supper This Sunday?

So then, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for one another – if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home…1 Corinthians 11:33-34a


When we meet this Sunday for Gathered Worship, we plan to eat the Lord’s Supper as Christ’s assembled church. This is one of the believer’s high privileges of being united to Christ and a member of his church. Because a portion of you may be planning to watch from home, I think it is wise for a bit of pastoral counsel about how to approach the supper this Sunday.

I am aware of churches who have encouraged the practice of “virtual Lord’s Supper” in which families prepare and eat their own bread and juice at home as they watch a live stream of the service. I and our elders do not encourage you to do this. While well-intentioned, this kind of “virtual Lord’s Supper” is a practice that takes “virtual church” too far. Watching a live stream is a temporary aid but is not a replacement for the gathering of the local church family.  A “virtual Lord’s Supper” does not seem to be wise because it is at odds in several ways with Scripture’s instructions in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.  

In this passage, Paul meticulously corrects several errors in the church’s understanding and practice of the supper:

  1. He is clear that the supper is for the gathered church and not to be eaten independently: “One goes ahead with his own meal…do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God…” (vss. 21-22).

  2. He urges them to eat as the assembled church at a time and location that maximizes participation: “So then, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for one another” (vs. 33).

  3. He makes a distinction between the location of the gathered church and the family home: “…when you come together to eat, wait for one another – if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home” (vs. 33)

In light this, it is our practice as a church to eat the Lord’s Supper in Gathered Worship on Sundays, as we will this week. Join us if you are able. If you are unable to attend, due to COVID concerns or other physical limitations, we understand and will miss you. For most of you, such an absence is short-term and temporary.  So, as you watch from home, I pray the Spirit will minister to you during this challenging season and that the live stream will be an aid to this. I also pray that your desire to, “Do this in remembrance of me” (vs. 25), will draw you back to regularly assembling with your church as soon as you are able.


As a reminder, we are pausing our small group gatherings for the remainder of January. This is our current ministry schedule:

  • Sunday 10:30 AM Gathered Worship: Our Sunday gathering takes place in-person and via live stream as normal.  There are no equipping courses, nursery, or community group gatherings. Children sit with their parents during the service.  

  • Wednesday 6:30 PM Discipling: We meet as one group in the worship center for Discipling. We are studying the Gospel of Luke and praying together. There is no nursery, kids, or student ministries, but families are welcome to participate together in the worship center. This gathering is not be available by live stream.

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas

Trials Abound

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12


Theses past several weeks have been challenging days for our church family. Accidents, sickness, and death have been unusually prevalent. I want to remind you of the Lord’s presence with each of you and of his love for our church particularly. Trials like we are currently experiencing are reminders that as long as we are living in this present evil age we are under the ever-present groaning of the curse of sin. The good news is that for all who trust in Jesus Christ, all this is all temporary. The indwelling presence of the Spirit gives us peace and endurance. So, remain steadfast and endure every trial with hope in the accomplished work of our Savior. The best is yet to come!


As announced yesterday, due to the rise of COVID cases and the need for families to stay safe, we are pausing our small group gatherings for the remainder of January. Here is what this means:

  • Sundays 10:30 AM Gathered Worship: Our Sunday gathering will take place in-person and via live stream as normal.  There will be no equipping courses, nursery, or community group gatherings. Children should sit with their parents during the service.  

  • Wednesdays 6:30 PM Discipling: For all who would like to gather mid-week, there will be a gathering in the worship center where we will continue our normal focus on discipling. We will be going through the Gospel of Luke and praying together. There will be no nursery, kids, or student ministries, but families are welcome to participate together in the worship center. This gathering will not be available by live stream.

We expect many will choose to remain home in an abundance of caution and we fully understand this. For those who stay home, please be diligent to watch the Sunday live stream and remain in communication with one another.  If you are remaining home, our elders and deacons would like to know this.  Please let us know your plans by email: thomas@crestviewbaptist.org.

As a reminder, if you or anyone in your family is feeling ill or has been exposed to COVID, please stay home until everyone is well again.


The celebration service for Wayne Brown is Saturday, January 9, at 2:00 PM at the Brown’s home. There will also be a live stream available for any who are unable to attend.  Follow this link for more information: Celebration Service

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas