Weekly Update Articles

Summer Opportunities

Church Family,

Welcome to summer! The start of the summer quarter brings two exciting opportunities for you.

Operation Arctic VBS Starts Sunday

Operation Arctic VBS begins this Sunday at 6:00 PM. Please be praying for families who this ministry will touch. See the info above about registration.

Summer Equipping Courses Start Sunday

Below, you will see the listing of new equipping courses that begin this Sunday, June 4, from 9:30 AM to 10:10 AM. The purpose of equipping courses is to teach believers to learn and apply the Bible to daily life. These courses are a time to hear a basic lesson, participate in guided discussion, and make friends. They are an opportunity to get to know your church family, especially those not like you. So, courses are not generally age-graded. They are organized like college classes, so they change topics each quarter. Members are encouraged to go to the course they think will be most beneficial. Summer course topics are in the graphic below. The Coffee Corner opens at 9:00 AM. 

Foundations for Disciples

Many of you participated in the Foundations for Disciples equipping course during the Spring. The Training Guide for this short-term discipling is now available. You are encouraged to use Foundations as initial discipleship with new or novice believers. If you have questions or would like further training, please see Pastor Thomas. DOWNLOAD TRAINING GUIDE

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Summer Reading Recommendations


This past Sunday in our quarterly members meeting we received into membership Dana Calloway and Brian, Kristin, Silas, and Elli Crook. Welcome!!


This past Sunday I referred to one of my favorite Christian biographies. Consider adding a good book to your summer plans.  Here are a few of my favorites:

To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson. This is the remarkable account of the life and labors in Burma of one of the first missionaries from North America.

John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace by Jonathan Aitken. Many know Newton as the writer of the beloved hymn “Amazing Grace”, but most are not familiar with his remarkable conversion.

The New Lottie Moon Story by Catherine B. Allen. The account of a single woman’s appointment to reach serve in China.

Peace Child by Don Richardson. The account of missionaries reaching a stone age tribe in Papua New Guinea.

These are not all, but these are some good ones!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Triad of Perseverance

Church Family,

I pray you are enduring in the faith and hope of the Lord today! I want to draw your attention to two items today:


This past Sunday, we studied three essentials that will mark our lives as we persevere in the faith: 1) drawing near the Lord, 2) holding fast the confession of our hope, and 3) considering how to stir up one another to love and good works (Heb 10:19-26). This triad of perseverance aids us in identifying and nurturing priorities that are deeply rooted in our Savior. You can fashion these essentials into personal diagnostic questions:

1) Am I near the Lord, trusting fully in Jesus's superior sacrifice for justification with God?

2) Am I frequently verbalizing that Jesus is my hope?

3) Does my calendar this week reflect a commitment to gather with the church to encourage love and good works in others?

May these essentials aid us in persevering in the faith. Pray for the preaching of the word this Sunday as we come to the fourth warning passage: Hebrews 10:26-39, "Warning: Do Not Retreat from Jesus.”


God calls believers in one way or another to care for the vulnerable. James instructs us: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction” (Jam 1:27). This Sunday, May 1, you will have the opportunity to meet Brian Scoggin with Families 4 Families (F4F).

F4F is a private Christian foster care agency that mobilizes believers to foster and organizes churches to support fostering. Brian will share briefly in gathered worship about this ministry on Sunday and will be with us again on Wednesday, May 4, to share in more detail about ways to support fostering.

We have two goals with Brian's visit. First, we want to encourage families to consider the possibility of fostering. Second, we want all members to appreciate ways that we can come alongside other churches in our community to support fostering families. Brian will be sharing information I hope all members will be eager to hear.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Plans for Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday

Church Family,

Jesus's crucifixion definitively solves our sin problem. The Son satisfied God's wrath and bought our redemption in one act. The resurrection conclusively proves that God received Jesus’s sacrifice. We need to frequently reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are occasions for this.

If you are interested in following the events leading to the resurrection in your personal Bible reading, you’ll find this to be a helpful chart: Harmony of the Events of Holy Week



Crestview and Pinecrest will join for an evening of meditating on the crucifixion of our Lord through music, scripture reading, preaching, and fellowship with fellow believers. This opportunity is an exciting chance for you to serve and know a sister church. Many of you will recognize Pinecrest's pastor, Jason Housley, a past Crestview staff member. This joint Good Friday service will be at the Pinecrest campus: 103 Old Norton Road, Fayetteville, GA, 30215. Plan for the service to last about an hour and plan to linger afterward for coffee and snacks.



We will follow a regular schedule: Coffee at 9:00 AM and Equipping Courses at 9:30 AM. Gathered worship will be at 10:30 AM. I will be preaching a message from Hebrews 10:11-18, "The Single Ultimate Sacrifice.” This is a perfect Sunday to invite neighbors, friends, and family from your Oikos Map. Following gathered worship, there will be a KIDS EGG HUNT and PHOTO BOOTH for families to take pictures.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Opportunities to Count the Cost

Church Family,

I am thankful for the visit and challenge Al Jackson brought our church from Luke 9 on Sunday. There is a high cost of following Jesus. We must be willing to surrender our comfortable lifestyles and personal plans and follow faithfully to the finish. The price is significant but worth it! This kind of joyful commitment is what it will take for Crestview to replicate disciples from Griffin to the ends of the earth. There are two tangible opportunities to count the cost this weekend.



Brother Al diagnosed the uncomfortable reality that believers often hoard the Lord's resources by refusing to release what God has given to us to fund His mission. We spend on our comforts and pleasures rather than investing in God's kingdom and reaching the world with the gospel.

Crestview’s North American Missions Offering Goal is $7,000—approximately $40 per member. Prayerfully consider how you can honor the Lord, follow the Spirit's leadership, and give this Sunday generously to support our church planting missionaries throughout North America.



A second way to count the cost is by setting aside this Saturday from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM to engage neighbors with the gospel. There are two kinds of people around you who are far from God and need Jesus—1) those you know and 2) those you don't know. We have learned to pray and engage those we know with the gospel using an Oikos Map. So, what about those we don't know?


Engaging Neighbors on the second Saturday of the month is one way we are working together as a church to engage those we do not know. Simply meet in the fellowship hall at 11:00 AM for training and prayer. We will then go out in pairs to visit neighbors near the church campus. We will courteously engage them, searching for those the Lord has given a willingness to hear the 3-Circles gospel presentation. After an hour, we will return to the church campus and share the results. We will finish by 12:30 PM. Through this effort, we hope to 1) Start evangelistic studies of the Gospel of Mark, 2) Start Foundations for Disciples with those who profess faith, and 3) Invite neighbors to our Sunday service.


Is there anything hindering you from making this part of your schedule this Saturday? I pray that we will see many Crestview members on Saturday morning willing to count the cost and engage our neighbors. In the event of inclement weather, we will pivot and go to local indoor establishments, like restaurants or coffee shops, to strike up gospel conversations.



 This is our second month of this new training breakfast for current and future leaders. See the announcement below for more information and a link to the reading plan, discussion questions, and future schedule. A continental breakfast and coffee will be served.



 See the announcements below for information on our joint Good Friday service with The Pinecrest Church in Fayetteville and our Resurrection Sunday plans.


 For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering

Church Family,

This Sunday is our annual International Missions Offering (Lottie Moon Christmas Offering). This offering is one way you can personally partner with those serving in the darkest, most unreached corners of the world. Check out these stories to learn how your gifts help spread the gospel among the nations: International Mission Board


Sunday evening at 4:00 PM is a fun evening as a church. We will meet at the church campus at 4:00, divide into groups, and go out caroling to some of our mature and homebound members. Afterward, we will return to the church campus for a chili dinner. THIS YEAR, CHILI IS BEING PROVIDED. PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILI TO CONTRIBUTE. Just bring yourself, your family, and happy smiles.  


Please mark your calendar and plan to participate in two special Christmas opportunities:

Candlelight Service: December 24, 5 PM. Celebrate as a family as we read Scripture and sing classic Christmas hymns. 45-minutes, casual, family-friendly.

Sunday, December 26: We will hold a church-wide breakfast from 9:15 to 10:10 AM (no equipping courses this day). Gathered Worship will begin at 10:30 AM and feature Christmas music and a sermon titled “The King Born in Bethlehem," based on Micah 5:2-5.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

An Important Abortion Case

Church Family,

Here are several items I want to draw to your attention this week:


The four Sundays before Christmas are traditionally referred to as Advent, a season of expectation of the coming of Christ. As we gather each of these Lord's Days, elements of our worship will focus upon this theme. This season is an ideal time to bring guests to experience God's Spirit in gathered worship and hear the gospel proclaimed. Who will you invite? Keep an eye out for a new social media Avent campaign that will begin later this week. You can help spread the invitation by sharing these posts widely. Advent invitation cards are available to help you invite others. Take advantage of this season to reach friends, family, and neighbors with the gospel.


This Sunday, we have new courses from which to select. The courses are listed below. Attend the one that stirs your interest the most.


In gathered worship this Sunday, we will formally ordain two new deacons, Lee Ramseur and Rocky Stubbs, and reaffirm Mike McGhin to this office. Would you please pray for these brothers and their wives?


This Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments in a case out of Mississippi, which can challenge Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling legalizing abortion nationwide. Would you please join me in praying this week that the justices will have the wisdom and courage to make a decision that protects the lives of unborn children? 

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

What is Advent?

What is Advent?

Though not something we have routinely highlighted with Crestview, it is a rich idea that we will be emphasizing this year. Advent is a season of waiting, designed to cultivate our awareness of God's actions in the past, present, and future. We remember Israel's waiting for the Messiah, giving thanks for Christ's incarnation, and anticipating his second coming. Across church history, churches have marked the four Sundays preceding Christmas with this focus. Starting on November 28, we will be highlighting Advent each Sunday in gathered worship with special readings, prayers, songs, and (yes!) candles. This will culminate with special Christmas services on Christmas Eve (5:00 PM) and Sunday, December 26. Pray for the Lord to strengthen his church. Pray for the gospel to be clearly proclaimed from Hebrews over these weeks.

The Advent season is ideal for inviting friends, family, neighbors, and your "ones" to Crestview on Sundays. Unique invite cards will be available to use. Also, keep an eye out for a social media blitz and share posts widely with your friends.

Members Meeting Updates

This past Sunday, the church received Josh and Hayley Roberts into membership. They are the proud parents of Jude and Asher. Let's continue to warmly welcome the Roberts into the Crestview family.

The church affirmed Lee Ramseur, Rocky Stubbs, and Mike McGhin deacons. What a blessing these brothers and their wives are to us all! We will set these brothers apart to this service in our worship gathering in the next several weeks.

The 2022 Church Ministry Budget was approved. I am grateful for the work your staff, finance team, and elders put into its development, as well as your affirmation to support this ministry plan. Let's continue to honor the Lord not only in our giving but also in our entire lives.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

2022 Church Ministry Budget

Church Family,

Linked below, you will find the proposed 2022 Church Ministry Budget. This is more than just a budget; it is also a motivation to honor the Lord with our giving. We give because it is good for us. Being cheerful givers shows that we value God and his plans more than we love the things of this world. God does not need our money; he is doing just fine. Yet, by being faithful with the money he has given to us, we show off how good and trustworthy he is. Our giving is a reflection of our trust in his faithfulness.

Our giving should be thoughtful and deliberate, not habitually spontaneous in response to urgent appeals. The same is true for our church. The budget helps us to be intentional about where we invest. The budget is like a spiritual mutual fund. Your leaders look for the best spiritual investment opportunities and bring them to you in the form of our budget. There are many instructions in the Bible about how and where believers are to use their money. Giving to the budget is a way we help one another obey these instructions.[1]

As you review the budget, also check your giving practices and tendencies. How has God proven himself to be gracious and faithful? Are you showing off how good and trustworthy he is?

The elders, finance team, and staff have prepared a budget that allows us to pursue the Lord's priorities for his church. Minor adjustments have been made throughout to match what is anticipated this coming year, but what is proposed is not significantly different from this year. During the member's meeting following gathered worship on November 14, we will have the opportunity to discuss and adopt the budget as a church. To be sure you get the best answers to any questions, please contact an elder or finance team member before November 14.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas


[1] Jamie Dunlop, Budgeting for a Healthy Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019), 140.

Controversy at the EC

Church Family,

I pray you are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord today!

I do not often write about the more extensive workings of Great Commission Baptists (SBC), but there have been issues in the news over the last few weeks that may have caught your attention and raised concern. You may be wondering, “What’s going on?”

Controversy at the EC

The first issue relates to the sexual abuse investigation of the Executive Committee (EC) ordered by the Convention this past summer in Nashville. The EC represents the interests of the Convention between annual meetings. Concerning accusations have surfaced this past year about the EC’s handling of sexual abuse cases. Messengers in Nashville approved a motion directing the EC to cooperate with an open investigation into its processing of such cases, which included a requirement to wave attorney-client privilege.

In its first meeting since the Nashville Convention, the EC voted in a split decision against following the Convention's motion in an unprecedented action. A majority of EC members wanted to pursue a model for the investigation that would avoid waiving attorney-client privilege. This decision set of a firestorm. A key issue at stake was whether a convention entity could thwart the expressed directive of the Convention. It is my understanding that no entity has explicitly defied a messenger-approved motion in this way. This vote was concerning to many, especially coming on the heels of the Nashville Convention, where several apparent efforts by the EC to expand its authority were voted down by messengers.

In the wake of the storm, the EC reconvened in several called sessions. Eventually, enough votes were swayed to change the decision and approve moving forward with the messenger’s motion. The sexual abuse investigation has started, and its findings will be made public before the 2022 annual meeting.


The second issue surrounds the fallout at the EC from this decision. A handful of committee members have resigned. The attorneys who have represented the EC for decades gave notice that they will not continue due to the waiver of attorney-client privilege. Lastly, Ronnie Floyd, the executive committee president, resigned. In the wake of Nashville and the EC's change of decisions to follow the messenger's motion, which Floyd did not support, the resignation was not surprising. Floyd had served in this role for just over two years. The EC is beginning the search process for a new president.

What does all this mean?

I heard someone say recently, “Things are not as good as the annual meeting makes them out to be, nor are they as bad as they appear on social media.” This seems right. First, all should agree that it is good that the investigation into the EC’s handling of sexual abuse cases is moving forward. If missteps have been made in this area, shine the light and bring correction. Second, every faithful Great Commission Baptist church can celebrate that our mission efforts are going forward. We are a convention of tens of thousands of churches supporting thousands of missionaries worldwide, thousands of church planters in North America, and six biblically faithful seminaries. This dust-up around the EC and future actions of the committee need to be monitored, but the reasons we cooperate with other churches remain unchanged.

If you want to read further, I recommend Baptist Press’s coverage.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

On Twelve Years as Lead Pastor

Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you. 1 Peter 5:2

Church Family,

This week several items are on my mind:

On Twelve Years as Lead Pastor

This past Sunday marked my twelfth year as your lead shepherd. I am thankful for the Lord’s grace in reaching this milestone. Think for a moment about the thousands of prayers, myriads of conversations, multitudes of phone calls and text messages, and hundreds of sermons we have experienced together. It is a humbling privilege to be entrusted by the Lord to shepherd one of his local churches. I am grateful for the way you love my family and me. I am thankful for the way you affirm my leadership and give ear to the teaching. Most of all, I rejoice that you are endeavoring to walk faithfully with Jesus each day.     

On Our Refreshed Vision

It seems fitting that on my pastoral anniversary, a refreshed purpose statement was set forth. This statement was developed through each sermon in the Be the Church series and succinctly communicates our priorities: Crestview exists to glorify the Lord, replicate disciples of Jesus, live in community, and engage the world with the gospel. While this statement is fresh and new for us, there is no fundamental change in the direction of Crestview. These have been and will continue to be our priorities as a church. This vision is the same for every faithful gospel church throughout time and around the world. I pray this statement will help us better understand what the Lord calls us to be as his church.

On Commissioning

This Sunday, October 10, we will commission one of our members for international service. As we saw in Romans 10, sending out workers is a meaningful way we engage the world with the gospel. You will want to be present in the worship center for this special time as a church family. Out of the need to respect security concerns, the live stream will end after the sermon, and commissioning will not be available in the fellowship hall, at home, nor by YouTube. You need to be present in the worship center this Sunday to participate.

On Deacon Nominations

Thanks to all who participated in the deacon nomination process. Over the coming weeks, the elders and deacons will examine those who received the greatest number of nominations. Those who are qualified and desire to serve will be recommended to the congregation ahead of the November members meeting. Please continue to pray for this stage of the process.

On the Mission Georgia Offering

Praise the Lord! Crestview gave $5,150 for the Mission Georgia offering. Pray for these gifts to be used in the transformation of lives across our state.  


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Importance of Family Discipleship

“The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise…lest you forget the Lord.” Deuteronomy 6: 4-7, 12a

As we enter into a busy season of routine, I want to offer a few encouraging thoughts and challenges as we seek to live for Christ in our daily lives and primarily among our families. 

The call of discipling children is a noble and weighty one, and God's intended instrument to carry out this call is none other than the family. From the early church, parents were the front line of discipleship and Godly teaching in their children's lives. This can be a daunting task, which at times may seem more fitting for elders, equipping course teachers, or just more theologically trained people. Nonetheless, I want to encourage you, embrace God's good and holy design, even it feels lacking. God has a way of equipping and preparing his people for tasks they may feel unqualified to perform. Scripture would teach us that it is the Lord's grace amid our weakness and frailties that grants us the power of Christ to live faithful lives. This is why the apostle Paul can say, "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2 Cor 12:9)." All members are discipled and edified through the various frameworks we have established, the Sunday gathered service, equipping courses, Wednesday discipling, and community groups. Ultimately, all these forms will be lacking if parents are not carrying the mantle of discipleship in the home.  

My encouragement is this, lean into family discipleship this fall season. Defend against the temptation to allow the plethora of extracurricular activities competing for your family to steal away this precious time. Have a practical, attainable family worship plan in place for the week where your family intentionally takes time to read and pray together. (If you would like a good resource on planning and executing family worship, reply to this email for a free copy of Donald Whitney's Family Worship). As Deuteronomy warns, much is at stake for apathy in this regard. We must be diligent in teaching biblical truth to our children and teenagers, "lest [they] forget the Lord." Everyone is responsible for their reception or rejection of Christ. Still, parents who teach their children about the Lord are a blessing and grace to their souls, preparing their hearts to be regenerated and enlivened by the Gospel! 

“Every Christian family ought to be as it were a little church, consecrated to Christ, wholly influenced and governed by his rules. And family education and order are some of the chief means of grace. If these fail, all other means are likely to prove ineffectual.” -Jonathon Edwards

Gentle and Lowly


Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

Church Family,

For Christmas this past year, both my daughter and brother gave me the same book as gifts. It is unusual to receive an identical book from two people on the same day! With the recommendation of two loved ones, I was eager to get into Gentle and Lowly. It did not disappoint.

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinner and Sufferers (Crossway, 2020) is a meditation upon the feelings of Christ for his people. It is written by Dane Ortlund, a husband, father of five, and senior pastor of Naperville Presbyterian Church in Illinois.

Beginning from Jesus' statement in Matthew 11:29, "I am gentle and lowly in heart," Ortlund explores what the Bible reveals about Jesus's nature. The book does not focus on what Jesus has done, though certainly addressed, so much as it looks at who Jesus is. Each of the twenty-three chapters reflects on a facet of his nature, such as happiness, sympathy, gentleness, and tenderness. In addition to careful study of Biblical passages, Ortlund draws from an array of Puritans to help illuminate the heart of Christ, including Thomas Goodwin, Richard Sibbes, John Bunyan, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, and more.

So, what did I think? Teaching, books, and songs over the past several decades have recovered a needed emphasis on God's sovereignty, bigness, and superiority. Gentle and Lowly reminds us that our Savior is not only mighty and transcendent but also immanent and possesses a tender heart for his people. I found the book to be a warm, devotional reflection on the person of Christ. It's not a book to read quickly, but one to savor. I recommend reading only one chapter per sitting and reserving a bit of time for reflection. Gentle and Lowly has a devotional feel that is easy to read yet is rich, theological, and doctrinal.

Does this sound like a book that interests you?

Crossway has sent our church 100 free copies of Gentle and Lowly as a gift. This Sunday, we will have free copies available. I ask that if you take one, that you commit to reading it before the end of the year. You may wish to read it individually. Couples may want to read it together. Families could easily read it as a resource for family worship. You might want to form a reading group with several friends or utilize it as a supplement in a discipling group.

I am glad to put edifying resources in your hands. Take up and read!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Fall Kickoff Sunday

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. Colossians 3:15

Church Family,

I hope you are looking forward to our Fall Kickoff this Sunday.  Here is the information you need to know:

Fall Kickoff Sunday: Sept 5

  • New Sermon Series: Be the Church. I will be preaching a special 4-part series of messages unpacking the fundamental purposes of Christ’s church. These purposes should fill our hearts and be reflected in our priorities as God’s people.

  • New Equipping Courses @ 9:30 AM. We start new fall quarter equipping courses. Check out one that interests you most:

o    New Testament: Promises Kept, Matthew to 1 Thessalonians. Each Sunday Dan Lane and Doug Lawrence will teach an overview of a New Testament book. This is especially helpful for those who want to strengthen their grasp of the New Testament.

o    Gospel Centered Parenting: Becoming the Parents God Wants You to Be. Thomas and Tricia Hill and David and Brenda Trice will be teaching this course designed to help parents learn principles from the Bible that will apply the gospel to parenting. Parents who have children or teenagers are welcome.

o    Living as a Church: Unity that Shows the Gospel. Brandon Vaughn and Caleb Lawrence will be teaching this course that will help you better understand what the Bible says about being a united church. They will also provide clear ideas of what we can each do to build unity in our midst.

o    The Gospel Project: Genesis, Creation to Chaos. Rocky Stubbs and Donald Harden are teaching a co-ed class. Lynn Stubbs and Gail Adams are teaching a ladies class. The Gospel Project starts a new 3-year cycle with the book of Genesis.


  • Picnic & Games after Gathered Worship. Each family bring their own meal for a church-wide picnic outdoors around the playground. Bring lawn chairs. We’ll organize games for fun.

  •  Wear International Outfits. If you have an outfit from another country, you are encouraged to wear it this Sunday. We’ll be praying for various countries and highlighting our heart for God’s global purpose.

 Welcome New Members

At the Members Meeting this past Sunday we received in three new members.  Please welcome them into the Crestview family:  Jenni Kilby, Charlie Horton, and James Smith

 Deacon Nominations are Open

Deacon nominations are open. As explained in the members meeting, every member of the church is encouraged to prayerfully consider and submit the names of men who they see serving the church faithfully and who appear to be Biblically qualified. We hope to receive dozens and dozens of nominations forms. The deadline for submission Sunday, September 19. For more information, please read: 2021 DEACON NOMINATION FORM. Forms should be returned to the office.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Excercising Discernment

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14

Church Family,

Infants have almost no ability to discern the difference between what is good and what is evil. Toddlers, for instance, will put nearly anything in their mouths, from pennies to the dog's toy. However, with maturity comes discernment and the ability to discriminate between options. Adults don't put anything in their mouths; they know healthy food is beneficial and not to eat pennies! Discernment reflects maturity.

Discernment is a spiritual virtue commended in scripture. It is the ability to judge between good and evil, right and wrong, and commendable and dishonorable. Here are three passages that highlight the importance of discernment:

  • But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14

  • Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

  • Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them. Hosea 14:9

As we mature as followers of Jesus Christ, believers should be learning to exercise powers of discernment. We should increasingly be able to identify the bait of sin, detect manipulation by fools, pick up on imbalanced and unsound teaching, tell the difference between propaganda and logical opinions, and pinpoint good from evil. Discernment is a godly virtue that every growing believer should exercise daily.

Kent Hughes, the longtime pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL, has written about the need for discernment:

Only the mature—those who understand the teaching about righteousness and who practice it—will be able to make discerning judgment on the continual moral issues that arise in life. Life, as we know, perpetually faces us with the problem of telling good from evil. Our spiritual perception is daily taxed. But a righteous life that feeds on the solid food of God’s Word will be able to exercise mature judgment between what is good and what is evil.[1]

I agree with Hughes—the key to exercising wise discernment is knowing the word of God. But I would go farther: to exercise discernment, you must know God's Word BETTER than you do current events, social media trends, or the latest controversy. What occupies your time? With what are you filling your mind? A diet of weak and worthless content will undermine your ability to be discerning. Let’s give ourselves to feasting upon the meat of God's Word so that we can distinguish good from evil.

Finally, getting counsel from fellow, wise, mature believers strengthens discernment. God has designed us to be protected within our families and churches. Families should discuss issues where discernment is needed. Fellow believers should seek one another’s counsel. When we speak the truth in love to one another, we grow in maturity and discernment.

Church, let’s grow in our powers of discernment.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

[1] R. Kent Hughes, Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2015), 152.

Update from Pastor Thomas

Church Family,

I am thankful to have COVID behind me! Many have more challenging cases than I did, but mine turned out not to be as simple as I wished. I am feeling much better but am experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue. The doctor tells me this will continue to improve if I take care of myself. Thank you for the many prayers, meals, cards, and messages. You have cared well for my family and me through all this.


My plan is to begin easing back into ministry responsibilities this week. I look forward to worshipping together with you on Sunday. The physical demands of preaching are going to be a challenge for me until my strength returns. I hope to be preaching again sooner than later. Still, we are making tentative plans for other men to preach: Aug 22 Brandon Vaughn, Aug 29 Caleb Lenard, and Sept 5 David Trice. If I’m able to begin preaching sooner, I will.


I want to share a passage of scripture that the Spirit has used to care for my soul these past two weeks. Romans 14:7-9, “For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.”

This text reveals that Christ is a good savior, regardless of my situation. Whether I am living and serving with total health or whether I am afflicted with a menacing virus. Jesus has risen, loves me, and is worthy of praise. Jesus is not only a savior for the exciting and fun seasons of life, but he is a tender, gentle shepherd through the hard seasons too. For this reason, my faith must run deep – in life or death – because Jesus is Lord. “Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.” Jesus experienced both life and death – and has shown that the end of both is a glorious life. Often he glorifies himself through what is hard for me. He has held me fast through it all, and my faith has not faltered. Jesus has proven again to be a solid footing for the soul. He will never fail his children.


Finally, the situation in Afghanistan has quickly unraveled this week as the Taliban has taken control of the country. Let's be constant in prayer for fellow believers who are facing threats of persecution. Many have lost homes and are now refugees. Pray for the Lord to provide for his sheep in every way - in life and in death.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Upcoming Student Ministry Disciple Now Weekend!!

A word from Cole…

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 1 Timothy 1:6-7

Our very first associational Disciple Now weekend for students is coming up Friday, August 13th, and Saturday, August 14th, and we couldn’t be more excited! Disciple Now is for all students, 6th-12th grade, and is a wonderful time for growth and fellowship for students. While there isn’t anything overly special about an event like Summer Camp or DNow, it is an opportunity for students, through getting away from their normal schedules and rhythms, to be able to devote more time and energy to maturing and growing in their faith and walk with the Lord. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, events like Disciple Now oftentimes are turning points of major growth and commitment to the Lord in the lives of many students. The discipleship of students is paramount, not simply for the future, but for the present. Students who are believing in Jesus Christ are not simply the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today. They need to be trained and discipled in the words of Christ, and DNow is just one of the ways that this takes place throughout the year.

I’d encourage all of our students, middle school and high school, to participate in DNow this year. Students who are not regularly plugged into our weekly gatherings are welcome to participate also. Invite neighbors, friends, teammates, and grandchildren to come and be a part of this awesome weekend! Here are a few things to know about DNow this August:

1) Our theme is Fearless, inspired by the verse quoted above, 1 Timothy 1:6-7. Students will study about men and women in Scripture who lived out bold, faithful, God-glorifying lives, and how we can apply truths from their lives today!

2) Students will be dropped off Friday evening and will be picked up after Sunday morning following gathered worship. Students should eat before they come on Friday. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be provided Saturday. Breakfast will be provided Sunday.

3) Cost for the event is $25 per student. This covers their T-shirt, conference and all materials, and meals for the weekend. Money for the conference will be due Sunday, August 8th, and can be submitted via the Church Center App through the ‘DNOW Student Weekend’ fund or dropped in a giving box on Sunday earmarked the same way. If you have any concerns or questions about funding for the conference or if you would like to sponsor a student to go, please contact Cole by email: Cole@crestviewbaptist.org

If you have any questions or want more information, go to our DNow Website, or feel free to reach out. If your student(s) plans to be involved, please let Cole know ASAP. We are looking forward to this DNow weekend! Please be in prayer for the Lord to work mightily in the lives of these students!

Grace to you,

Cole Barnes, Worship and Families

Atlanta and the world

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! Psalm 96:3

As the word of God spread outward from Jerusalem in the decades following the resurrection of our Lord, cities played a vital role in this expansion. The Apostle Paul's proclaimed the gospel and established churches in the major urban centers of the Mediterranean world, like Antioch, Ephesus, and Corinth. Establish churches in these urban centers, and, to be sure, the gospel would spread. It did.

The Atlanta metro area is a modern-day urban center that, like first-century Ephesus, is influencing the world. Last week our team serving in Clarkston (east Atlanta) saw this first-hand. We helped lead Camp Encounter with Clarkston International Bible Church and SendRelief (NAMB), where over 100 children and their families heard the gospel. These children represent Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Nepal, just to name a few nations. These families are being loved and are hearing the gospel here in America. The reverberations of this love are being experienced worldwide as they communicate with their family and friends. Church, the Lord has brought the nations to our doorstep so that his marvelous works may be declared!

I am thankful for the fourteen members who served and the 166 members who sent them. Let’s continue to pray for eternal, gospel fruit.  Let’s be committed to the great opportunity we have to make much of Jesus here in the Atlanta metro area.  All people need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. May we continue to be a church that is faithful in this mission!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas





Crestview Team Commissioned to Clarkston, GA

When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:33-34

This past Sunday, Crestview commissioned our latest team to go into Clarkston, Georgia (east Atlanta) for a week of ministry. We will once again serve alongside our friends at Clarkston International Bible Church (CIBC) and SendRelief (NAMB). The underlying ministry objective is to see the gospel spread among the refugee population in Clarkson.

A refugee is someone who has fled one’s home country and cannot return because of a well-founded fear of persecution. [1]  After two to four years of United Nations processing, around 1,000 refugees, sometimes more, are legally resettled into Clarkston each year, where they begin a new life in America. This resettlement is one of the ways the Lord is bringing the nations to our doorstep.

Next week our team will serve in CIBC's Camp Encounter and reach the community with gospel intentionality. Below this article is a list of those who will be serving.  Ways you can pray:

  • Pray for the glory of the Lord to be loved in Clarkston

  • Pray for children and their families to experience the love of Christ through us.

  • Pray for our team to have the stamina for the week and to share the gospel boldly.

  • Pray that we will serve our partners well and be a rich blessing to their ministry in Clarkston.

  • Pray that all members of Crestview faithfully pray for this team.

The word sojourner used in the passage heading of this article is another name for refugee. The Lord calls us to love the sojourner as we love ourselves. I’m thankful for a team eager to spend a week doing this. Pray we do so in the fullness of the Spirit and the joy of the Lord.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

[1] Bauman, Seeking Refuge, 79.

You Can Be Part of Mystery Island VBS

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:13-14

This Sunday night, June 27, Mystery Island Vacation Bible School begins at 6:00 PM! The theme of the week is “Tracking down the one true God”. Each evening kids will explore an exciting and mysterious tropical paradise while learning about the attributes of the Lord:

  • Sunday: God is GREAT! As we stop in Acts 17 and find a city full of idols, we’ll hunt for clues about our great God and discover we must have the right view of him. We can’t make up a god of our own choosing.

  • Monday: God is ALMIGHTY! Our mighty God knows everything, is everywhere, and has the power to do anything. As we study the account of Jonah, we’ll oooohhh and aaahhh as we focus on the three big Os of God – his omniscience, his omnipotence, and his omnipresence.

  • Tuesday: God is RULER! We’ll check in with Isaiah and realize God Is not like us. Our minds will be blown away by his vastness, beauty, and holiness.

  • Wednesday: God is EMMANUEL! God is high and mighty, Lord of all creation. And yet he also came to earth and desires a relationship with the people he has made. He is good and he loves us.

  • Thursday: God is TRUSTWORTHY! With the account of David, we’ll learn that God is great, God is good, and God is perfect in all things, so we can trust him with our lives. He is our rock. [1]

 Ways you can be part of Mystery Island VBS:

  • Bring Your Own Kids: No child is too young to learn about God and hear they need to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Combined with the example of godly parents, family worship, and active church involvement, VBS can be a useful evangelism approach for parents and grandparents. Have you registered your kids yet? What are you waiting on? Do so today: Child Registration

  • Invite Others: Do you know kids who are between the ages of kindergarten and 5th Grade? Do you know neighbors, co-workers, friends who have kids? Invite them to join us. Online registration is open through Crestview’s Facebook and website.

  • Serve: It is not too late to help! Among other needs, we are looking for hospitality volunteers nightly to help with campus supervision. It’s going to be great fun serving together and strengthening the bonds of community between us. Email: cole@crestviewbaptist.org

  • Give: Your consistent financial support to the Crestview Ministry Budget is an important way you help make this week of ministry possible: Give Online Now.

  • Pray: Please pray daily for kids, their families, and for volunteers. Ask the Spirit of God to use VBS to glorify His Name and reveal to kids (and adults!) their need to know the Lord and trust in Christ. Pray for lasting, eternal fruit.

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas


[1] Answers VBS director guide (7).