
Deacon Recommendations

Church Family,

Please give attention to the following:

Engaging Neighbors: This Saturday at 11 AM

This Saturday we will be engaging neighbors and sharing the gospel from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Meet in the fellowship hall for training and prayer before departing. In the event of wet weather, we will go to local indoor locations to strike up gospel conversations.

Deacon Recommendations

Several weeks ago, the congregation nominated men to serve as deacons. We have considered these nominations, and the elders and deacons recommend that the church affirm the following:

·         Doug Lawrence

·         Clay McLean (Reaffirmation)

·         Reese Simmons

·         Grayson Webb

These men and their wives have undergone a vetting process to confirm biblical qualifications, and they all desire to serve the church if affirmed. If, for some reason, you believe one of these is not qualified, please talk to him or notify an elder. At the December 4 members meeting, you will have the opportunity to affirm these men as deacons.

Two of our current deacons, Jarrell Horton and Warren Sides, have ended their 3-year term of service. They have chosen to roll off from active deacon ministry. Both brothers and their wives have served the Crestview well. Please take this opportunity to encourage them and thank them for their service.

Operation Christmas Child: Boxes Due Sunday

It is a joy to be part of a ministry that is making the gospel known worldwide and providing a gift of love to children. This Sunday is the deadline if you plan to turn in a shoebox. Our goal is for every family in the church to pack at least one box.


On November 15, the monthly senior luncheon will be changing locations. We will enjoy lunch together at Golden Corral on Jonesboro Road in McDonough. The group will carpool from the Crestview parking lot, leaving at 11:30 AM. Senor lunch is $10.49 each. Paul Robertson is the point of contact. Please see him to coordinate transportation.

Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, November 20, at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall, will be our churchwide Thanksgiving dinner. You can look forward to an evening of food, fellowship, and warm testimonies of the Lord’s work among us. Please help us to prepare adequately by registering if you plan to be at dinner (It takes less than a minute): REGISTRATION


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

An Important Abortion Case

Church Family,

Here are several items I want to draw to your attention this week:


The four Sundays before Christmas are traditionally referred to as Advent, a season of expectation of the coming of Christ. As we gather each of these Lord's Days, elements of our worship will focus upon this theme. This season is an ideal time to bring guests to experience God's Spirit in gathered worship and hear the gospel proclaimed. Who will you invite? Keep an eye out for a new social media Avent campaign that will begin later this week. You can help spread the invitation by sharing these posts widely. Advent invitation cards are available to help you invite others. Take advantage of this season to reach friends, family, and neighbors with the gospel.


This Sunday, we have new courses from which to select. The courses are listed below. Attend the one that stirs your interest the most.


In gathered worship this Sunday, we will formally ordain two new deacons, Lee Ramseur and Rocky Stubbs, and reaffirm Mike McGhin to this office. Would you please pray for these brothers and their wives?


This Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments in a case out of Mississippi, which can challenge Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling legalizing abortion nationwide. Would you please join me in praying this week that the justices will have the wisdom and courage to make a decision that protects the lives of unborn children? 

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

On Twelve Years as Lead Pastor

Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you. 1 Peter 5:2

Church Family,

This week several items are on my mind:

On Twelve Years as Lead Pastor

This past Sunday marked my twelfth year as your lead shepherd. I am thankful for the Lord’s grace in reaching this milestone. Think for a moment about the thousands of prayers, myriads of conversations, multitudes of phone calls and text messages, and hundreds of sermons we have experienced together. It is a humbling privilege to be entrusted by the Lord to shepherd one of his local churches. I am grateful for the way you love my family and me. I am thankful for the way you affirm my leadership and give ear to the teaching. Most of all, I rejoice that you are endeavoring to walk faithfully with Jesus each day.     

On Our Refreshed Vision

It seems fitting that on my pastoral anniversary, a refreshed purpose statement was set forth. This statement was developed through each sermon in the Be the Church series and succinctly communicates our priorities: Crestview exists to glorify the Lord, replicate disciples of Jesus, live in community, and engage the world with the gospel. While this statement is fresh and new for us, there is no fundamental change in the direction of Crestview. These have been and will continue to be our priorities as a church. This vision is the same for every faithful gospel church throughout time and around the world. I pray this statement will help us better understand what the Lord calls us to be as his church.

On Commissioning

This Sunday, October 10, we will commission one of our members for international service. As we saw in Romans 10, sending out workers is a meaningful way we engage the world with the gospel. You will want to be present in the worship center for this special time as a church family. Out of the need to respect security concerns, the live stream will end after the sermon, and commissioning will not be available in the fellowship hall, at home, nor by YouTube. You need to be present in the worship center this Sunday to participate.

On Deacon Nominations

Thanks to all who participated in the deacon nomination process. Over the coming weeks, the elders and deacons will examine those who received the greatest number of nominations. Those who are qualified and desire to serve will be recommended to the congregation ahead of the November members meeting. Please continue to pray for this stage of the process.

On the Mission Georgia Offering

Praise the Lord! Crestview gave $5,150 for the Mission Georgia offering. Pray for these gifts to be used in the transformation of lives across our state.  


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Fall Kickoff Sunday

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. Colossians 3:15

Church Family,

I hope you are looking forward to our Fall Kickoff this Sunday.  Here is the information you need to know:

Fall Kickoff Sunday: Sept 5

  • New Sermon Series: Be the Church. I will be preaching a special 4-part series of messages unpacking the fundamental purposes of Christ’s church. These purposes should fill our hearts and be reflected in our priorities as God’s people.

  • New Equipping Courses @ 9:30 AM. We start new fall quarter equipping courses. Check out one that interests you most:

o    New Testament: Promises Kept, Matthew to 1 Thessalonians. Each Sunday Dan Lane and Doug Lawrence will teach an overview of a New Testament book. This is especially helpful for those who want to strengthen their grasp of the New Testament.

o    Gospel Centered Parenting: Becoming the Parents God Wants You to Be. Thomas and Tricia Hill and David and Brenda Trice will be teaching this course designed to help parents learn principles from the Bible that will apply the gospel to parenting. Parents who have children or teenagers are welcome.

o    Living as a Church: Unity that Shows the Gospel. Brandon Vaughn and Caleb Lawrence will be teaching this course that will help you better understand what the Bible says about being a united church. They will also provide clear ideas of what we can each do to build unity in our midst.

o    The Gospel Project: Genesis, Creation to Chaos. Rocky Stubbs and Donald Harden are teaching a co-ed class. Lynn Stubbs and Gail Adams are teaching a ladies class. The Gospel Project starts a new 3-year cycle with the book of Genesis.


  • Picnic & Games after Gathered Worship. Each family bring their own meal for a church-wide picnic outdoors around the playground. Bring lawn chairs. We’ll organize games for fun.

  •  Wear International Outfits. If you have an outfit from another country, you are encouraged to wear it this Sunday. We’ll be praying for various countries and highlighting our heart for God’s global purpose.

 Welcome New Members

At the Members Meeting this past Sunday we received in three new members.  Please welcome them into the Crestview family:  Jenni Kilby, Charlie Horton, and James Smith

 Deacon Nominations are Open

Deacon nominations are open. As explained in the members meeting, every member of the church is encouraged to prayerfully consider and submit the names of men who they see serving the church faithfully and who appear to be Biblically qualified. We hope to receive dozens and dozens of nominations forms. The deadline for submission Sunday, September 19. For more information, please read: 2021 DEACON NOMINATION FORM. Forms should be returned to the office.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas