Be the Church

Fall Kickoff Sunday

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. Colossians 3:15

Church Family,

I hope you are looking forward to our Fall Kickoff this Sunday.  Here is the information you need to know:

Fall Kickoff Sunday: Sept 5

  • New Sermon Series: Be the Church. I will be preaching a special 4-part series of messages unpacking the fundamental purposes of Christ’s church. These purposes should fill our hearts and be reflected in our priorities as God’s people.

  • New Equipping Courses @ 9:30 AM. We start new fall quarter equipping courses. Check out one that interests you most:

o    New Testament: Promises Kept, Matthew to 1 Thessalonians. Each Sunday Dan Lane and Doug Lawrence will teach an overview of a New Testament book. This is especially helpful for those who want to strengthen their grasp of the New Testament.

o    Gospel Centered Parenting: Becoming the Parents God Wants You to Be. Thomas and Tricia Hill and David and Brenda Trice will be teaching this course designed to help parents learn principles from the Bible that will apply the gospel to parenting. Parents who have children or teenagers are welcome.

o    Living as a Church: Unity that Shows the Gospel. Brandon Vaughn and Caleb Lawrence will be teaching this course that will help you better understand what the Bible says about being a united church. They will also provide clear ideas of what we can each do to build unity in our midst.

o    The Gospel Project: Genesis, Creation to Chaos. Rocky Stubbs and Donald Harden are teaching a co-ed class. Lynn Stubbs and Gail Adams are teaching a ladies class. The Gospel Project starts a new 3-year cycle with the book of Genesis.


  • Picnic & Games after Gathered Worship. Each family bring their own meal for a church-wide picnic outdoors around the playground. Bring lawn chairs. We’ll organize games for fun.

  •  Wear International Outfits. If you have an outfit from another country, you are encouraged to wear it this Sunday. We’ll be praying for various countries and highlighting our heart for God’s global purpose.

 Welcome New Members

At the Members Meeting this past Sunday we received in three new members.  Please welcome them into the Crestview family:  Jenni Kilby, Charlie Horton, and James Smith

 Deacon Nominations are Open

Deacon nominations are open. As explained in the members meeting, every member of the church is encouraged to prayerfully consider and submit the names of men who they see serving the church faithfully and who appear to be Biblically qualified. We hope to receive dozens and dozens of nominations forms. The deadline for submission Sunday, September 19. For more information, please read: 2021 DEACON NOMINATION FORM. Forms should be returned to the office.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

"Be the Church" & Community Groups Restarting

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
Colossians 3:15


This Sunday, we will begin a new sermon series titled "Be the Church.” What does God call his church to be? What does it look like for believers to live together as Christ’s church? Over these next four weeks, we will be considering the purpose of the church by studying four decisive biblical passages:

  • Aug 8, Glorify the Lord: Colossians 3:12-17

  • Aug 15, Replicate Disciples: Matthew 28:18-20

  • Aug 22, Live in Community: Acts 2:42-47

  • Aug 29, Engage the World: Romans 10:1-17

Join me in praying for the Lord to use these messages throughout August to stir our hearts to “Be the Church” the Lord has called us to be. 


Community Groups resume this Sunday at 5:00 PM. Every member is requested to consistently participate with one of these groups. The goal of these groups is to foster supernatural community by providing an environment where we can know one another better, grow in the faith, and better understand what it means to be entirely devoted to Christ in our lives. Your community group is where you will find love, accountability, and a place to care for one another. This group is designed to be the first line of response whenever a need arises within our church family. Community groups are at the heart of the shepherding strategy for Crestview.

So what can you expect? We eat dinner together (picnic style with each family bringing their own food), discuss and apply the morning’s sermon, and pray together. Groups are inter-generational. Families attend community groups together. We encourage students and older children to participate in all aspects of the group. During the discussion and prayer time, younger children may be able to play in a separate room. At least two adults will oversee these younger ones while discussing and praying together themselves. This responsibility rotates among the adults.

Community groups & meeting locations:

  •  Barnes/Hill Group: 2nd Floor, Student Room

  •  Ramseur Group: Fellowship Hall

  •  Trice Group: Trice’s Home 1422 Zebulon Road, Griffin

  •  Vaughn Group: 2nd Floor over Fellowship Hall and/or playground

Community Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday night of the month at 5:00 PM.

Let’s “Be the Church!”


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas