We Confess the Supremacy of Jesus Christ

Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
1 Timothy 3:16



What an uplifting gathering we enjoyed yesterday! My soul was warmed as we read 1 Timothy 3:16 as I considered the straightforward confession of the deity, supremacy, and glory of the Lord. Jesus is the true expression of godliness.  We who believe upon Jesus confess these very same truths about him and follow in his footsteps. May this confession be upon our lips this week.  Consider setting this verse to memory and reflecting upon it throughout this week.  


The elders have called a Members Meeting for Sunday, September 27, following gathered worship. Two items of business will be taken up.  First, we will review a tentative plan to return to a regular Sunday/Wednesday ministry schedule.  Second, we will consider membership for any who have completed the membership process and are desiring to join. Expect the conference to last 30 minutes (or less). We will meet in the worship center. No lunch will be served.

Throughout the summer we have been gathering on Sundays for gathered worship and for community groups. Due to the COVID pandemic we have not offered on campus Equipping Courses, Nursery, Kids Ministry, or Wednesday evening discipleship. During this meeting on September 27 we will review a careful, flexible, responsible strategy developed by staff, elders, deacons, and kids leaders to restart these portions of our ministry during the month of October.  The plan considers social distancing requirements, guidelines for the safety of children and nursery workers, and cleaning protocols.

Candidly, the most challenging aspect of the plan may be the re-assembly of a team of members who are able and willing to joyfully minister to children. I am confident some are excited to make gospel-centered, God-glorifying investments in the next generation. Please pray that the Spirit will stir within our church those who have gifts, desire, and time to devote to serving children and their families.  Please be prayerfully considering whether you might be ready to join a 6-week rotation in the nursery or ready to make a 6-month commitment to be a teacher in our kids ministry on Sundays or Wednesdays.

The Lord gifts his body for ministry. I am looking forward to seeing how this all materializes!

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas