
New Elders

New Elders

Praise the Lord for your affirmation on Sunday of two new elders: Rocky Stubbs and Cole Barnes, as well as your reaffirmation of Brandon Vaughn to continue serving as an elder! These brothers will serve as wonderful pastors who will bless our church. Along with David Trice and me, this brings the total number of Crestview elders to five. We will formally recognize these brothers as a congregation by ordaining them to this office in gathered worship soon.

I encourage you to pray for all of our elders. Elders are fundamental to the life and ministry of the church. Please, pray in these ways: 1) That we will pray continually for the church, 2) for our preaching and teaching, 3) for our shepherding activities of knowing, feeding, leading, and protecting this flock, 4) that we will watch over ourselves and our families, 5) that we will oversee the church wisely, 6) that we will set a good example, and 7) that we will raise up more elders.  

Resurrection Sunday

April 9 is Resurrection Sunday. Please invite friends and neighbors to join us that day! We will follow our regular schedule, equipping courses at 9:30 AM and gathered worship at 10:30 AM. After the service, we will have a kids' egg hunt and a family photo backdrop. Remember to bring baskets for your children's eggs.

Current versions of the constitution and by-laws, and finance policy, as well as all current policy documents, are posted on the church website: Resources/Policies


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Plans for Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday

Church Family,

Jesus's crucifixion definitively solves our sin problem. The Son satisfied God's wrath and bought our redemption in one act. The resurrection conclusively proves that God received Jesus’s sacrifice. We need to frequently reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are occasions for this.

If you are interested in following the events leading to the resurrection in your personal Bible reading, you’ll find this to be a helpful chart: Harmony of the Events of Holy Week



Crestview and Pinecrest will join for an evening of meditating on the crucifixion of our Lord through music, scripture reading, preaching, and fellowship with fellow believers. This opportunity is an exciting chance for you to serve and know a sister church. Many of you will recognize Pinecrest's pastor, Jason Housley, a past Crestview staff member. This joint Good Friday service will be at the Pinecrest campus: 103 Old Norton Road, Fayetteville, GA, 30215. Plan for the service to last about an hour and plan to linger afterward for coffee and snacks.



We will follow a regular schedule: Coffee at 9:00 AM and Equipping Courses at 9:30 AM. Gathered worship will be at 10:30 AM. I will be preaching a message from Hebrews 10:11-18, "The Single Ultimate Sacrifice.” This is a perfect Sunday to invite neighbors, friends, and family from your Oikos Map. Following gathered worship, there will be a KIDS EGG HUNT and PHOTO BOOTH for families to take pictures.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Reconnecting with your Church

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some…” Hebrews 10:24-25


This past Sunday was a milestone for us and many other churches. Easter Sunday marked a return to gathered worship for many of those who have been staying away due to COVID. Churches across our region saw attendance increase anywhere from 50-100% over what they had seen the previous weeks. It was wonderful to see so many of you around the tent together!

While larger crowds are normally expected on Easter, this year the increase was not only noticeable, but it was also noteworthy. Perhaps we are reaching the point as a church and community where we are comfortable meeting together again. The next challenge will be making the Sunday gathering of the church a fresh, happy, faith-filled habit. If Sunday was your first day back in a while, I want to encourage you to be back this week. Make it a habit!


Last week Governor Brian Kemp announced the roll back of many COVID-19 restrictions across Georgia beginning April 8, including restrictions on church gathering sizes and social distancing requirements. This means, within reason, we are free to resume our normal activities. Of course, this does not mean COVID is gone. It is still a concern for many. We each need to continue practicing personal responsibility and respectful social awareness of others.

What does this roll back mean for us?

First of all, nothing changes to our plan for this Sunday, April 11. We will worship outdoors under the tent at 10:30 AM.  There will be no equipping courses. This will be our final Sunday outside. Cole Barnes will be preaching the concluding message in the “What is the Good News?” series from Acts 17, “Is Religion Enough?”  Bring your unbelieving friends and camping chairs!

Second of all, nothing changes to our plan for Wednesday, April 14. We will meet in the worship center as one group for discipling.  There will be no kids or student ministry that night.

Sunday, April 18 is the BIG DAY! We will reignite our regular ministry activities. On that morning the Coffee Corner will be open starting at 9:00 AM. We will restart Equipping Courses at 9:30 AM, including nursery and kids. Gathered Worship will be indoors at 10:30 AM in the worship center (with increased seating). Sunday evening at 5:00 PM Community Groups will meet on the church campus.

On Wednesday, April 21, we resume our normal mid-week activities.  Kids and student ministry will return.  Adult discipling will continue in the worship center and will breakout into smaller groups.


Pews are being reinstalled in the worship center and spaced at 4-feet apart. The worship center will have a seating capacity of 200. Everyone is encouraged to sit in the worship center as one assembly each Sunday.

Seating in the overflow area of the fellowship hall will remain at 6-feet for now. I do not expect the overflow area to be needed for additional seating at this time. Yet, at least for a short time, I realize that some may be more comfortable with the extra room.

In classrooms we will continue to spread out chairs and provide ample seat spacing.

In nursery and kids ministry we will continue to follow the “healthy ministry commitment” sign-in as well as temperature checks.  Face coverings will not be required for volunteers.

In the event that cases rise again in our area at some point in the future, we are prepared to return to COVID gathering protocols as needed.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

The Foolishness of the Resurrection


“Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?” Acts 26:8


The foundation of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus. Three days after being beaten, tortured, and executed by crucifixion, Jesus was raised to life by the power of God. The tomb containing his body on Friday was empty on Sunday.  Angels announced his resurrection to the stunned women in the garden, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Over the next 40 days he personally, physically met with his disciples and was seen by many who knew him, even appearing to more than 500 people at once!

Still, many consider the resurrection foolishness. Some claim it was a conspiracy inspired by desperate religious fanatics.  If so, then why did 11 of the 12 “fanatics” die martyr’s deaths knowing the resurrection was a lie?  Others claim the resurrection is a myth that has grown over the centuries. If so, then explain why this “myth” stormed onto world history within a matter of days among those who knew Jesus best. Still others believe Jesus’ death was a misdiagnosis. The professional Roman execution crew mistakenly thought he was dead and Jesus later recovered consciousness and escaped from the tomb.  If so, then how could this “misdiagnosed” man, wrecked by days of torture, summon the strength to move the massive tomb stone and appear completely healthy to his disciples that same day? In this case his disciples might have considered him Houdini – but definitely not Christ the Lord.

No, church, the cross and resurrection are not foolishness. The explanation is not found in a conspiracy, a myth, or a misdiagnosis. It is found here: Jesus was dead and is now alive. Why should anyone think this is so incredible?  If God is god, then he can do this!  In fact, he has!


This Resurrection Sunday (Easter) we will be meeting again outside at 10:30 AM. The forecast is for perfect spring weather. Do you have a someone close to you who considers the resurrection to be foolishness?  Invite them to come with you to witness the presence of God in the gathering of Christ’s church and hear the greatest news in the world – firsthand.

Immediately following the service there will be an egg hunt for the kids (from toddlers up to 5th grade).  There will also be a photo booth available for family pictures (use your own camera).  


Last year we were not able to gather on Easter due to COVID shelter-in-place requirements. While concerns remain and care is needed, much more is known now about how to safely meet and navigate COVID concerns. Meeting outside allows us to meet as one assembly while also providing limitless fresh air and space for social distancing. Even our most careful members, family, and friends can attend these outdoor gatherings if they are of a mind to do so. Great effort is being extended each Sundays to create an outdoor space where all the church and a great number of guests can be present.  

I want to be careful here to recognize that some do have legitimate justifications for continuing to sheltering-in-place. If you fall in this category, we love you and are praying for you. However, at one time or another I expect we have each experienced the temptation to stay separated from the church. I have. You have. COVID has provided us all with the convenient excuse, at times, to forgo participation with the church. As your pastor, I want to lovingly warn you to beware of the temptation to remain separate. Satan will whisper a lie in your ear that your sinful nature will embrace, “church is dangerous.”

Just as pain medication is needed following surgery, so too temporary separation from the church has been needed at times this past year. Yet, just as long-term use of pain medications can become addicting, life-altering, and deadly, so too, ongoing separation from the the body of Christ is spiritually dangerous and habit-forming. Only you know your heart and your motives. If separation is not necessary and has become an unhealthy pattern for you, then repent and return to your church this week. If one can now go to work or school; if one can now play sports, attend a game, or workout at the gym; if one can now go shopping at Walmart, Lowes, Kroger, and Kohls - then one should now also be gathering with the church each Sunday. Continue following our COVID gathering guidelines - but be with your church.


Finally, we plan to return to our normal Sunday/Wednesday schedule on Sunday, April 18. I trust by that date most of our church member will be able and willing to return to equipping courses, community groups, kids, and student ministries.  Please see the announcement below for more information.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas