Church Family,
Welcome New Members
This past Sunday, we received two new members: Josh and Mindy Griffis. Josh and Mindy have four children: Ruth, David, Nathan, and Abigail. Thanks for making the Griffis family welcome!
Elder Nominees
On Sunday, the elders nominated the following men to the congregation to be recognized as elders: Rocky Stubbs, Cole Barnes, and Brandon Vaughn (reaffirmation). If the church approves, these three men will join David Trice and me to comprise a five-person pastoral team overseeing Crestview.
Elders are biblically qualified men, affirmed by the church, who provide spiritual and administrative oversight. Crestview refers to this office as “elder." Other synonymous words the New Testament uses are “overseer, bishop, shepherd, and pastor.”
Elder nominations are essential in the life of our church, and need your prayers. If anyone knows why any of these men would not be biblically qualified to serve, please speak to them directly, or come and speak with David, Brandon, or me.
Following gathered worship on Sunday, March 5, we will hold an elder nominee question and answer session. At this round-table discussion, nominees will field questions from the congregation related to elder ministry.
On Sunday, March 19, there will be a special called conference following gathered worship to vote on the nominees.
Proposed Constitution and By-Laws Amendments
On Sunday, the elders submitted amendments to the constitution and by-laws to the congregation. The reasons necessitating these amendments were outlined in the members meeting. These amendments effectively entail the following: (1) The role of associate pastor is added, (2) the associate minister role is not an elder, (3) the title of senior pastor is changed to lead pastor, (4) deacon service is removed as a requirement for lay-elders, and (5) the requirement for a majority of the elders be lay-men is removed. If anyone has questions about the proposed amendments, please talk to any elder. The congregation will vote on the proposed amendments at the March 19 called conference. The proposed amendments are available: HERE
Proposed Updated Financial Policy
Additionally, on Sunday, the elders and finance team submitted to the congregation for consideration an updated financial policy. The need for an updated policy was explained in Sunday’s meeting. In short, our current financial policy needs to be updated to reflect the church's organizational structure and the sound financial practices we are following. If anyone has questions about the proposed policy, please get in touch with any elder or finance team member. The congregation will vote on the proposed policy update at the March 19 called conference. The proposed updated policy is available: HERE
Roof Work is Underway
Roofing work is underway! Praise the Lord!
Let’s be faithful to pray for all these items.
For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas