Women in the Church

Twists and Turns VBS – Starts This Sunday!

This Sunday night at 6:00 pm Twists and Turns VBS begins!  We are looking forward to an amazing time together. Please invite children to join us!

Women In The Church

A few weeks from now the Southern Baptist Convention will meet in New Orleans (June 12-14). One of the items I expect to be a topic of conversation at this convention will be the disfellowshipping of two church who have women pastors (Saddleback Church in California and Fern Creek Church in Kentucky). The convention’s statement of faith asserts: “While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture” (Article 6). It is my estimation that the convention overwhelmingly stands in agreement and will dismiss these churches.

There are many significant ways that women may serve, teach, and lead within the ministry of the church and its mission. I am wonderfully encouraged and exceedingly grateful for the women who serve and teach in various capacities within Crestview. However, the church is to recognize only biblically qualified men to function as pastors/elders. Only these men are to serve in the office and carry the title of “pastor” (whether lead pastor, associate pastor, or any other category of pastor).

The primary biblical text on this issue is 1 Timothy 2:8-15. A few years ago, when I was preaching through 1 Timothy, I devoted three sermons to the role of women in the church. In these sermons I explain this passage and address common objections raised against the Bible’s teaching. Below are links to these sermons:




Pew Reservations

When the worship center update begins in July, pews will be made available to members of Crestview (one pew per family). In the event that there are extra pews, additional pews can be reserved. Please sign up here: Pew Sign-up. If you have difficulty signing up contact our office for assistance, and we will be happy to help.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas