Mission Efforts

The Lesotho Team Returns This Week

Thank you for praying for Doug, Alexis, Shelby, and Clint as they return from Lesotho this week. They should arrive home tomorrow, March 22. Pray for the Lord to cause his word to advance and bear eternal fruit.

North American Missions Offering

This week is our week of prayer for the work of the North American Mission Board. Through NAMB, we support thousands of church planters serving across the U.S. and Canada. The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is the unique offering our family of Great Commission Baptists receives each year to support NAMB. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord would have you participate. Sunday, April 2, is our giving day. Learn more: 2023 Prayer Guide.

Called Conference, Sunday, March 26

This Sunday, following gathered worship, will be a called conference. The church will be affirming elder nominees (Rocky Stubbs, Cole Barnes, and Brandon Vaughn), amendments to the constitution and by-laws, and updates to the finance policy. There may also be an update on the worship center project.

A few minor adjustments suggested by members have been made to the proposed constitution and by-laws. The most current proposed amendments are available: HERE

The proposed updated policy is available: HERE


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas