Happy New Year!
As we begin 2023, let's do so with attention to walking with the Lord. The Lord invites us to give thought to our plans for using time:
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Eph 5:15-16).”
The start of a new year is a prime opportunity to evaluate and reset areas where wise walking is needed. I am working on a new personal journaling approach to beneficially read in all four tracks of my daily Bible reading plan and convert the SPECK questions into prayer. It is off to a good start! How about you? Are there ways you are evaluating and resetting to make “the best use of the time?”
Resuming Wednesday Night Ministries This Week, Jan 4
Wednesday at 6:30 PM, we resume our regular Wednesday night ministry activities: Kids, Students, & Adult Discipling. Join us!
Regular Sunday Schedule this Week, Jan 8
This Sunday, January 8, we return to our regular Sunday Schedule. We will resume the 2 Samuel sermon series: “The Return of the True King,” 2 Samuel 19-20.
Community Groups
Community Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month. We are encouraging current groups to remain together for winter/spring (because some groups we just organized at the end of the year). Do you want to connect with others for a meal, sermon discussion, and prayer? Pursuing fellowship is essential for the life of the church. See any elder if you need assistance finding a group, or see the Community Group information on the bulletin board.
Thank you, Gayle!
This Sunday, Jan 8, we will recognize Gayle Kelley as she retires after ten years of service to Crestview as our financial administrator. The church will present her with a retirement gift. Members who would like to show their appreciation with cards are welcome.
For His Glory,
Pastor Thomas