Summer Opportunities

Church Family,

Welcome to summer! The start of the summer quarter brings two exciting opportunities for you.

Operation Arctic VBS Starts Sunday

Operation Arctic VBS begins this Sunday at 6:00 PM. Please be praying for families who this ministry will touch. See the info above about registration.

Summer Equipping Courses Start Sunday

Below, you will see the listing of new equipping courses that begin this Sunday, June 4, from 9:30 AM to 10:10 AM. The purpose of equipping courses is to teach believers to learn and apply the Bible to daily life. These courses are a time to hear a basic lesson, participate in guided discussion, and make friends. They are an opportunity to get to know your church family, especially those not like you. So, courses are not generally age-graded. They are organized like college classes, so they change topics each quarter. Members are encouraged to go to the course they think will be most beneficial. Summer course topics are in the graphic below. The Coffee Corner opens at 9:00 AM. 

Foundations for Disciples

Many of you participated in the Foundations for Disciples equipping course during the Spring. The Training Guide for this short-term discipling is now available. You are encouraged to use Foundations as initial discipleship with new or novice believers. If you have questions or would like further training, please see Pastor Thomas. DOWNLOAD TRAINING GUIDE

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas