Fostering Information Meeting & Summer Schedule

Church Family,

May you be growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord today, wherever you may be reading this.


This Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the worship center, Brian Scoggin with Families 4 Families will share information and answer questions about fostering. F4F is a private Christian foster care agency that mobilizes believers to foster and organizes churches to support fostering. There are two goals for Wednesday night. First, we want to encourage families to consider the possibility of fostering. If you are open to the possibility of fostering at some point, this is an opportunity to learn what it requires. Second, we want all members to appreciate ways that we can come alongside other churches in our community to support foster families. Brian will be sharing information I hope all members will be eager to hear.


As summer approaches, it is helpful to communicate our plans for gathering as a church. Please mark your calendars:

SUNDAYS: Our Sunday schedule will continue unchanged. The Coffee Corner is open at 9:00 AM. Equipping Courses begin at 9:30 AM. Gathered Worship starts at 10:30 AM. Lord willing, I will finish preaching through Hebrews on the first Sunday in July. We will return to Psalms during July and August. New summer quarter equipping courses begin June 5.

Community groups will continue meeting on Sunday nights through June (with your current group members). Groups will then take a break in July and August. New, reorganized Community Groups will resume in September.

WEDNESDAYS: Wednesdays night ministries will follow a regular schedule until June 8 (Mark your calendars).

  • June 8: VBS will be the only event on campus this evening.

  • June 15, 22, 29: Summer Fun Nights. These will be fun nights for the entire church family to enjoy being together. There will be an emphasis on games for kids and students.

  • July 6, 13, 20, 27, Aug 3: Summer Break. No Wednesday night activities.

  • Aug 10: Regular Wednesday activities resume.


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas