2022 Church Ministry Budget

Church Family,

Linked below, you will find the proposed 2022 Church Ministry Budget. This is more than just a budget; it is also a motivation to honor the Lord with our giving. We give because it is good for us. Being cheerful givers shows that we value God and his plans more than we love the things of this world. God does not need our money; he is doing just fine. Yet, by being faithful with the money he has given to us, we show off how good and trustworthy he is. Our giving is a reflection of our trust in his faithfulness.

Our giving should be thoughtful and deliberate, not habitually spontaneous in response to urgent appeals. The same is true for our church. The budget helps us to be intentional about where we invest. The budget is like a spiritual mutual fund. Your leaders look for the best spiritual investment opportunities and bring them to you in the form of our budget. There are many instructions in the Bible about how and where believers are to use their money. Giving to the budget is a way we help one another obey these instructions.[1]

As you review the budget, also check your giving practices and tendencies. How has God proven himself to be gracious and faithful? Are you showing off how good and trustworthy he is?

The elders, finance team, and staff have prepared a budget that allows us to pursue the Lord's priorities for his church. Minor adjustments have been made throughout to match what is anticipated this coming year, but what is proposed is not significantly different from this year. During the member's meeting following gathered worship on November 14, we will have the opportunity to discuss and adopt the budget as a church. To be sure you get the best answers to any questions, please contact an elder or finance team member before November 14.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas


[1] Jamie Dunlop, Budgeting for a Healthy Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019), 140.