What About Lord's Supper This Sunday?

So then, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for one another – if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home…1 Corinthians 11:33-34a


When we meet this Sunday for Gathered Worship, we plan to eat the Lord’s Supper as Christ’s assembled church. This is one of the believer’s high privileges of being united to Christ and a member of his church. Because a portion of you may be planning to watch from home, I think it is wise for a bit of pastoral counsel about how to approach the supper this Sunday.

I am aware of churches who have encouraged the practice of “virtual Lord’s Supper” in which families prepare and eat their own bread and juice at home as they watch a live stream of the service. I and our elders do not encourage you to do this. While well-intentioned, this kind of “virtual Lord’s Supper” is a practice that takes “virtual church” too far. Watching a live stream is a temporary aid but is not a replacement for the gathering of the local church family.  A “virtual Lord’s Supper” does not seem to be wise because it is at odds in several ways with Scripture’s instructions in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.  

In this passage, Paul meticulously corrects several errors in the church’s understanding and practice of the supper:

  1. He is clear that the supper is for the gathered church and not to be eaten independently: “One goes ahead with his own meal…do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God…” (vss. 21-22).

  2. He urges them to eat as the assembled church at a time and location that maximizes participation: “So then, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for one another” (vs. 33).

  3. He makes a distinction between the location of the gathered church and the family home: “…when you come together to eat, wait for one another – if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home” (vs. 33)

In light this, it is our practice as a church to eat the Lord’s Supper in Gathered Worship on Sundays, as we will this week. Join us if you are able. If you are unable to attend, due to COVID concerns or other physical limitations, we understand and will miss you. For most of you, such an absence is short-term and temporary.  So, as you watch from home, I pray the Spirit will minister to you during this challenging season and that the live stream will be an aid to this. I also pray that your desire to, “Do this in remembrance of me” (vs. 25), will draw you back to regularly assembling with your church as soon as you are able.


As a reminder, we are pausing our small group gatherings for the remainder of January. This is our current ministry schedule:

  • Sunday 10:30 AM Gathered Worship: Our Sunday gathering takes place in-person and via live stream as normal.  There are no equipping courses, nursery, or community group gatherings. Children sit with their parents during the service.  

  • Wednesday 6:30 PM Discipling: We meet as one group in the worship center for Discipling. We are studying the Gospel of Luke and praying together. There is no nursery, kids, or student ministries, but families are welcome to participate together in the worship center. This gathering is not be available by live stream.

 For His Glory,

 Pastor Thomas