Family Worship Guide

Families will be strengthened by developing the practice of worship in the home (couples and singles, too). This guide is a tool to equip you for this task. Parents are God's primary disciplers of their children and should adapt these family gatherings as needed to be age-appropriate. 


  • Have a consistent time and location that works for your family

  • Involve all family members

  • Keep it brief (15 minutes max)

VIDEO: How do you do family worship? by Donald Whitney

Gathering #1: Application of the past Sunday’s sermon

Read sermon text from this past Sunday.

Discuss together:

  • What strikes you as noteworthy?

  • What applies personally to your life? (Such as new thoughts about God, attitudes to cultivate, actions to pursue, and sins to forsake)

  • Pray together: Praise, Confess, Thank, Ask

  • Sing together: Play a song on your phone (or cast video lyrics to a screen). Consider using a song we sang as a church this past Sunday.


Gathering #2 Preparation for the coming Sunday’s sermon

Read sermon text from this coming Sunday (Sermon schedule cards are available in the worship center).

Discuss together:

  • What is the central idea?

  • What is hard to understand?

  • What strikes you as important?

  • Pray together: Praise, Confess, Thank, Ask

  • Sing together: Play a song on your phone (or cast video lyrics to a screen). Consider using a song we sang as a church this past Sunday.